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A thesis submitted in

fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the

Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate and Facilities Management

Faculty of Technology Management and Business

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

AUGUST, 2016

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I dedicate this thesis to my family for their myriad persevering, encouragement and prayers,

despite the hard time they went through, which gave me the strength to withstand the obstacles

embedded throughout my academic struggles. I dedicate this thesis to my parents for their

understanding, encouragement and prayers to my success, despite their old age. I dedicate it to

my friends that contributed immensely to the ideas used in this study. I dedicate this thesis to late

Uncle Faruk, for his prayers upon foreseeing this great time, may your gentle soul rest in peace,

amen. I love you all.

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Innal’handu lillah, nah muduhu, wa nasta’inuhu, wa nastagfiruhu. I give thanks and praises to

Almighty Allah for His mercy and grace for every aspect of my schooling, whom despite all

obstacle and my shortcomings as human made me a vector in all my undertakings. PhD study is

an enormous task which requires determination, patience and encouragement. I could not have

accomplished this task without the able support of others. I wish to express my immense and

profound gratitude my greatest indebtedness and deep appreciation to my supervisor Professor

Madya Dr. Rozilah Kasim for her vital suggestions and criticism at various stages of this work,

up to its logical conclusion. It was her guidance and direction that made this thesis a reality. I

thank her most sincerely for the patience and understanding in taking time out of her tight

schedules to make necessary corrections and suggestions.

My special appreciation goes to Dr. Adamu Isa Harir for his productive critical

arguments that pave the ways to the ideas used in this study. My heart-felt thanks goes to Dr.

Azlina Md Yassin and Dr. Muhammad Lizam Bin Muhammad Diah for their constructive

critism during my proposal defence, which significantly improved the arguments in this thesis. I

want to acknowledge the contribution given to this study by BUS methodology Ltd UK,

especially Adrian Leaman for granting me a licence to use BUS Methodology Domestic version

Standard 2014 questionnaire in this study. I wish to appreciate the respond of Prof Dr.

Zainuldeen Awang in respect to the moderation used in this study. Thank you very much for

your simplicity and indiscriminate encouragement to students, we see you as a mentor sir.

I equally wish to acknowledge the unequal contribution of the Staff of Gombe State

Property and Investment Corporation, especially Mr Sanusi Mohammad for assisting in the

questionnaire administration. My special thanks go to the research assistants especially

Mohammad Baba Isa for his logistic contributions. This piece would have suffered a great deal

of dent without the contributions of Dr. Aliyu Ahmad Aliyu and his elder brother Dr. Abubakar

Ahmad Aliyu. Thank you.

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I am greatly indebted to my parent Mallam Ishiyaku Adamu and Malama Halimat Sadiya,

my beloved wives Madam Hauwa Hassan and Anty Sakina Yunusa, and my children Abdullahi,

Abdurrahman, Ibrahim Khalil, Mohammad Habeeb, Aseeya and Imran, my brothers Ahmad

Ishiyaku and Lukman Ishaq and Sisters Fatima, Karimatu, Suwaiba and Rahila for their moral,

financial and spiritual encouragement unequal patience with my absence during the course of

this study, may Allah bless your sacrifices.

I want to acknowledge the support of the management of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa

University (ATBU) Bauchi and TETFUND Nigeria especially Mr Auwal Ibrahim for both

financial and moral support given to me. Others equally indebted to me are my colleagues like

Dr. Isa Yuguda Kotirde, Dr. Yoosuf Yaro, Dr. Abdulazeez Raji and the host of others too

numerous to mention for reason of space, thank you all for everything you shared with me.

Finally, I thank Almighty Allah, the Lord of heaven, the Creator and Inheritor of the

Universe and beyond, for His abundant grace and special favour He granted me to write this all-

important piece. Ultimately, whatever good is derived from this piece, all praise is due to Him

but any error contained therein is my own and are highly regretted.

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There is misconception of occupants’ satisfaction and experience in building performance

evaluation due to inadequacy of in-depth studies on each, which resulted to insufficiency of facts

about their structure, determinant variables, effects of socioeconomic attributes and conditions

under which they are connected. Objective of the study were to identify the building

performance levels and differences between occupants’ satisfaction and experience, effects of

socioeconomic attributes on them and propose a framework to evaluate public housing

performance using occupants’ satisfaction and experience. Building Use Studies (BUS)

Methodology, UK questionnaire was adapted and used on a license agreement. Systematic

random sampling was used to collect data from 300 occupants of four (4) public housing estates

in Gombe metropolis Nigeria. Two independent factors of tangible and intangible building

features were conceptualised. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used in the pilot survey to

identify the factorability of the variables. The Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in AMOS

software was used to validate the constructs and develop two structural equation models (SEM)

based on occupants satisfaction and experience. The models were subjected to multi CFA

moderation method to determine the effects of socioeconomic attributes of the occupants. The

results indicated differences in performance of features based on occupants’ satisfaction and

experience. The SEM moderation results showed that education and income moderates

occupants’ satisfaction, while they does not moderates occupants’ experience. Therefore, the

study concluded with emphasis on the importance of occupants experience as an objective

measure of building performance against occupants’ satisfaction’s subjectivity. Based on that, a

framework to evaluate public housing performance using occupants’ satisfaction and experience

was proposed.

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Terdapat salah faham di antara kepuasan dan pengalaman dalam membina penilaian prestasi

atas beberapa faktor antaranya kekurangan kajian yang mendalam pada setiap satu, yang

menyebabkan kekurangan fakta tentang struktur mereka dan pembolehubah penentu kesan

daripada sifat-sifat sosial ekonomi dan syarat-syarat yang mereka disambungkan penghuni.

Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap prestasi bangunan dan perbezaan antara

penghuni kepuasan dan pengalaman, kesan ciri-ciri sosio-ekonomi ke atas mereka dan

mencadangkan satu rangka kerja untuk menilai prestasi perumahan awam menggunakan

penghuni 'kepuasan dan pengalaman. Metodologi soal selidik oleh Bangunan Penggunaan

Pengajian (BUS), UK telah disesuaikan dan digunakan pada perjanjian lesen. Persampelan rawak

sistematik telah digunakan untuk mengumpul data daripada 300 penghuni daripada empat (4)

kawasan perumahan awam di Gombe metropolitan Nigeria. Dua faktor bebas daripada ciri-ciri

bangunan ketara dan tidak ketara dan komponen bangunan bergantung telah diamalkan. analisis

faktor penerokaan (EFA) telah digunakan dalam kajian perintis untuk mengenal pasti faktor

pembolehubah. Analisis faktor pengesahan (CFA) dalam perisian AMOS telah digunakan untuk

mengesahkan konstruk dan membangunkan dua model persamaan struktur (SEM) berdasarkan

penghuni kepuasan dan pengalaman. Model-model yang telah tertakluk kepada pelbagai kaedah

kesederhanaan CFA untuk moderation kesan ciri-ciri sosioekonomi penghuni. Keputusan

menunjukkan perbezaan dalam prestasi ciri-ciri berdasarkan kepuasan dan pengalaman

penghuni. Keputusan kesederhanaan SEM moderation bahawa kepuasan pendidikan dan

pendapatan penghuni sederhana, sedang mereka bukan penghuni berpendapatan sederhana. Oleh

itu, kajian ini juga memberi penekanan kepada kepentingan pengalaman penghuni sebagai

langkah objektif membentuk prestasi terhadap subjektiviti kepuasan penghuni itu. Berdasarkan

itu, rangka kerja untuk menilai prestasi perumahan awam menggunakan kepuasan dan

pengalaman penghuni telah dicadangkan.

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1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Research Questions 6

1.4 Aim and Objectives 6

1.5 Research hypotheses 7

1.6 Scope of the Study 7

1.7 Significance of the Study 8

1.8 Research Structure 9

1.9 Thesis Organisation 9

1.10 Summary 10

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2.1 Introduction 11

2.2 Public Housing 12

2.3 Public Housing Efforts in Nigeria 13

2.4 Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) 17

2.4.1 Types of POE 19

2.4.2 Review of existing process frameworks of POE 20

2.4.3 POE benefits 26

2.4.4 Summary of relevant previous studies on POE 28

2.5 Concepts of Performance, Satisfaction and Experience 30

2.5.1 Building performance 30

2.5.2 Occupants’ Satisfaction 31

2.5.3 Occupants’ experience 32

2.5.4 Factors affecting occupants’ satisfaction and experience 35

2.6 Socio-economic attributes in performance evaluation 36

2.7 Performance and satisfaction of building features 37

2.7.1 Relation of performance and satisfaction 41

2.8 Building performance evaluation using occupants’ experience 41

2.9 Building performance evaluation methods 44

2.9.1 Building Use Studies (BUS) occupant survey 44

2.9.2 Soft landing 45

2.9.3 PROBE method 45

2.9.4 Construction Industry Council Design Quality Indicator 46

2.9.5 Overall Liking Score 46

2.9.6 Building Quality Assessment (BQA) 47

2.9.7 Standard of House Performance Appraisal (SHPA) 47

2.10 Performance evaluation strategies, techniques and analysis 48

2.10.1 Issues in public housing performance evaluation 52

2.11 Theoretical framework development for the study 53

2.11.1 Theories of performance, satisfaction and experience 55

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2.11.2 Theoretical association between satisfaction and

performance 55

2.12 Conceptual frameworks development 59

2.12.1 Frameworks on factors relationship in housing evaluation 60

2.12.2 Justification for adopting theoretical and conceptual

frameworks in this study 67

2.13 Approaches for research reasoning 69

2.13.1 Application of inductive and deductive reasoning

approaches 71

2.13.2 Justification for applying inductive and deductive approaches 74

2.14 Gap Identified in Literature Reviewed 74

2.15 Research framework to evaluate public housing performances

using occupants’ satisfaction and experience 75

2.16 Summary 78


3.1 Introduction 79

3.2 Research paradigms 79

3.3 Philosophical foundation of the research 80

3.4 Research approach 86

3.5 Research Strategies 87

3.6 Determination of sample 90

3.6.1 Sampling frame 91

3.6.2 Population 91

3.6.3 Sample size 92

3.7 Instruments for data collection 93

3.7.1 Pre-test 95

3.7.2 Pilot study 95

3.7.3 Field survey 101

3.8 Methods of data analyses 102

3.8.1 Descriptive analyses 104

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3.8.2 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) 105

3.8.3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 108

3.8.4 Reliability of data collection 110

3.8.5 Validation of data collection 110

3.8.6 Structural equation modelling (SEM) method 112

3.8.7 Moderation method in model simulation 115

3.9 Summary 117


4.1 Introduction 118

4.2 Field survey questionnaire administration 118

4.3 Data screening 119

4.4 Assessment of normality and descriptive analyses 120

4.5 Socio-economic attributes of occupants 122

4.6 Building performance evaluations 125

4.6.1 Criteria for performance ranking 125

4.6.2 Performance of building components, intangible

and tangible features 126

4.7 Paired t-test analysis 135

4.7.1 Paired t-test results for occupants’ satisfaction and

Experience 136

4.8 Summary 142


5.1 Introduction 143

5.2 SEM satisfaction and experience models 143

5.2.1 Reliability tests of constructs 144

5.2.2 PCA results for building satisfaction constructs 145

5.2.3 PCA results for building satisfaction constructs 146

5.2.4 Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results 147

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models for building satisfaction constructs 151 Confirmation of measurement models of building

experience constructs 152 Reliability and validity of measurement models

for building experience constructs 155

5.2.5 Structural equation modelling 156 Occupants’ satisfaction model 157 Occupants’ experience model 159

5.2.6 Moderation analyses 162 Effects of education on satisfaction 162 Effects of education on experience 166 Effects of income on satisfaction 168 Effects of income on experience 171

5.3 Summary 174


1.1 Introduction 175

1.2 Proposed framework for POE evaluation 175

1.3 Contributions and recommendations of the study 178

1.3.1 Theoretical contribution 179

1.3.2 Methodological contribution 179

1.3.3 Practical contribution 180

1.4 Limitations of the study 182

1.5 Suggestions for further studies 183

1.6 Overall conclusion 183

6.7 Novelty of the study 184



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VITA 234

List of publications and awards 235

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2.1 Reasons for public housing developments 12

2.2 Types of post occupancy evaluation 20

2.3 Benefits of POE 27

2.4 Factors affecting occupants satisfaction and experience 35

2.5 Summary of research framework to evaluate public housing performance

using satisfaction and experience 76

3.1 Available facilities 96

3.2 Descriptive and normality test of building experience constructs

Pilot Survey (n=102) 97

3.3 Descriptive and normality test of building satisfaction constructs

pilot survey (n=102) 98

3.4 Exploratory factor analysis for pilot study 100

3.5 Reliability of pilot results 101

3.6 Index category and levels of acceptance 109

3.7 Organisation of datasets and models for moderation analysis 115

4.1 Questionnaire administration 119

4.2 Descriptive and normality test of building satisfaction constructs 121

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4.3 Descriptive and normality test of occupants’ experience constructs 122

4.4 Profile of housing occupants 124

4.5 Seven (7) Likert scale criteria for building performance ranking 125

4.6 Summary of research objective 1 presentation 127

4.7 T-test result for building components 136

4.8 T-test result for intangible features 138

4.9 T-test result for tangible features 139

4.10 T-test result for building components, tangible and intangible

features as a whole 141

5.1 Cronbach's alpha 144

5.2 PCA results for building satisfaction constructs 145

5.3 PCA results for all constructs 146

5.4 Reliability and validity of building satisfaction measurement models 152

5.5 Reliability and validity of building experience measurement models 156

5.6 Parameter estimates for final structural model of occupants’

satisfaction 159

5.7 Parameter estimates for final structural model of occupants’

experience 162

5.8 Moderation test for high education in satisfaction model 163

5.9 Moderation test for low education in satisfaction model 164

5.10 Moderation test for education in satisfaction model 165

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5.11 Moderation test for high education in experience model 166

5.12 Moderation test for low education in experience model 167

5.13 Moderation test for education in experience model 167

5.14 Moderation test for high income in satisfaction model 169

5.15 Moderation test for low income in satisfaction model 169

5.16 Moderation test for income in satisfaction model 170

5.17 Moderation test for high income in experience model 171

5.18 Moderation test for low income in experience model 172

5.19 Moderation test for income in experience model 173

5.20 Standardized regression weights and significance in satisfaction model 173

5.21 Standardized regression weights and significance in experience model 174

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2.1 POE process by PROBE 22

2.2 Development process of the evaluation model 23

2.3 Post occupancy evaluation phases 24

2.4 Phases of performance evaluation 25

2.5 Relationship between performance, experience and satisfaction 34

2.6 Conceptual framework of public housing 36

2.7 Four alternative models of satisfaction 40

2.8 Causal diagram representing the effect of building type on occupant

comfort and satisfaction 61

2.9 Student satisfaction framework 61

2.10 System approach to user satisfaction 62

2.11 Research framework for housing satisfaction 63

2.12 Theoretical and conceptual frameworks for evaluation of public

housing programmes 64

2.13 Relationship between building features considered for this study 65

2.14 Framework showing relationship between performance, satisfaction

and experience 67

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2.15 Inductive and deductive reasoning in the study 73

2.16 Research framework to evaluate public housing performance using

occupants’ satisfaction and experience 77

3.1 Research paradigm flow chat 80

3.2 Philosophical assumptions verses schools of thought 86

3.3 Process framework of study 90

3.4 Research analysis plan 103

4.1 Building components’ performance and satisfaction 128

4.2 Intangible features performance and satisfaction 130

4.3 Tangible features performance and satisfaction 132

4.4 Building performance and satisfaction 133

5.1 First iteration for BSC measurement model 148

5.2 Second iteration for BSC measurement model 148

5.3 Third iteration for BSC measurement model 149

5.4 First iteration for IBSC measurement model 149

5.5 Second iteration for IBSC measurement model 150

5.6 First iteration for TBSC measurement model 150

5.7 Second iteration for TBSC measurement model 151

5.8 First iteration for BEC measurement model 153

5.9 Second iteration for BEC measurement model 153

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5.10 CFA for IBEC measurement model 154

5.11 First iteration for TBEC measurement model 154

5.12 Revised iteration for TBEC measurement model 155

5.13 First occupants’ satisfaction structural model 157

5.14 Revised occupants’ satisfaction structural model 158

5.15 First occupants’ experience structural model 159

5.16 Second occupants’ experience structural model 160

5.17 Revised occupants’ experience structural model 161

6.1 A proposed POE framework to evaluate public housing performance

using occupants’ satisfaction and experience 177

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A Pilot survey questionnaire 212

B Field survey questionnaire 217

C Overview of POE studies on residential buildings 221

D Sources of variables 227

E Research assistants and questionnaire sample 229

F Sample of housing units 230

G Boxplot 231

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1.1 Background of the Study

Public housing is provision of low cost housing by government for civil occupancy.

Even though public housing development policies are geared toward satisfaction of

housing occupants, experience of building users were highly ignored in real estate

development process especially in public sector. This is because Public housing policy

structure tends to favour architects preferences, with overall target of low costing, while

there is need for buildings to serve the needs of people who use them (Watson, 1999;

Kasim, Ahmad & Eni, 2006). It brings to light, the inadequate opportunity given in

public housing development where design and construction teams can share knowledge

with occupants, while such knowledge are imperative, because all the stakeholders come

from different backgrounds and try to achieve different goals (Kaatz et al., 2005). Such

occupants’ views were derived through post occupancy evaluation (POE) methods,

which is the medium of communication between design team and occupants.

POE refers to evaluation of performance of building after occupancy with sole

objective of understanding interaction between the property and occupants so that

improvement is made (Nawawi & Khalil, 2008). POE uses human behaviour such as

satisfaction, perception or experience, to evaluate physical, environmental and

management factors that influence actual performance of buildings (Wheeler et al.,

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2011). As buildings evaluation is multi disciplinary in use, it involves architects,

building engineers, facility managers and services engineers. It is used in multi

disciplinary areas of design, psychology, economics planning, sociology and

engineering. Data collection processes include survey, laboratory analysis and physical

survey and interviews, depending on professional area of study and intended use of the

results (Leaman et al., 2010a).

Resultant effect of this lack of consideration to occupants’ views in public

housing developments is vividly seen in shortcomings of present residential building

performance evaluation frameworks. It was evidenced from literature that little attention

is given to residential building evaluation (Leaman, Stevenson & Bordass, 2010b). More

attention is given to offices and educational buildings, while residential building

performance evaluation was supposed to be a key instrument of collecting data that can

show the importance of collective participation and improve performance of housing

developers and public housing policies (Mohit & Azim, 2012). Failure to adequately

learn by evaluating existing building stock effectively results to a failure to avoid

avoidable errors. Therefore, occupants’ participation in reporting their experience or

satisfaction is an important step toward improving housing delivery, policies and

maintenance to sustainable stage (Ozturk, Arayici, & Coates, 2012).

Hence, there have been strong reasons for POE studies, as actual performance of

building often differs from initial design intension (Djebarni & Al-Abed, 2000), POE

provides a focus for identification of factors responsible for variation in housing

performance (Kaatz et al., 2005). Therefore, POE has demonstrated the importance of

taking all aspects of property life cycle as important elements in housing performance

survey. Even after development, housing performance in respect to operation and

maintenance has to be monitored and best practice is where monitoring and hence

collected feedbacks were effectively utilised in improvement (Way & Bordass, 2005).

This portrayed the need for a framework, which can provide a guide to be

conducting POE periodically to identify opportunities and pitfalls and to improve overall

housing performance (Cohen et al., 2001). It is equally important to incorporate many

tools of assessment in POE especially psychological elements such as experience,

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satisfaction and perception, to give a clear direction of human dynamic behaviours in

respect to public housing and create room for improvement where prediction of design

team failed (Turpin-Brooks & Viccars, 2006).

1.2 Problem Statement

Public houses are normally prediction of a shelter that meets human basic needs of

habitation. Therefore, prediction can be right in some areas and wrong in others. Post

occupancy evaluation (POE) is method used to identify these areas of strengths and

weaknesses. However, literature on available POE studies revealed serious limitations in

scope of previous studies (Ibem & Amole, 2010). Authors complained of failure in

previous evaluation studies to significantly cover relevant important aspects of public

housing performance and satisfaction. For instance, little is known about relevance of

intangible building features (Non physical) such as ventilation, privacy and lighting in

public housing performance and satisfaction (Gann, Salter & Whyte, 2003, Sinou &

Kyvelou, 2006). Effects of socioeconomic attributes of occupants on satisfaction and

performance were also over looked in building performance evaluation (Sinou &

Kyvelou, 2006; Stevenson & Leaman, 2010).

Some of the repercussions of those shortcomings were the gaps reported between

design intent and final performance of buildings after occupation especially in

developing countries like Nigeria (Loftness et al., 2009; Eni, 2015). In addition, fewer

residential housing performance studies were reported in journals when compared to

other areas like offices and educational properties (Djebarni & Al-Abed, 2000;

Stevenson & Leaman, 2010), due to insufficient studies in the area. This led to

inadequate knowledge of how public houses are performing after occupation, which

could have provided a guide for future developments. Another problem was misuse of

the concepts of performance and satisfaction. Implication of failure to ascertain the

factor structure of satisfaction and performance constructs is misprioritisation of

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attributes which lead to misallocation of resources for improvement (Busacca & Padula,

2005). Little attention given to occupants’ safety and health issues were also among the

areas where shortcomings of present housing performance evaluation are visible in

Nigeria (Ibem, 2011; Ibem & Amole, 2010). Health shock at birth, gastrointestinal

system problems, respiratory symptoms and fever were all reported to have link with

poor quality houses and provision of inadequate utilities in houses and neighbourhoods

(Curtis et al., 2010; Afolabi et al., 2012). All the above contentions could have been

averted, with proper housing performance evaluation framework. Such framework needs

to be all encompassing to accommodate differences identified between building

performance and satisfaction (Schwab & Cummings, 1970).

Several authors (Swan & Combs, 1976; Tse & Wilton, 1988; Oliver & Desarbo,

1988) have argued that satisfaction and performance are different concepts and should

be treated individually. Possibly this is because satisfaction is an inferential view on

performance. Satisfaction indicates the housing ability to fulfil the occupants’

pleasurable level of consideration or use. Performance in this context is ability of

building to achieve its predefined objectives of housing. Therefore, occupants

experience seems to indicate performance more objectively than satisfaction. The

difference between satisfaction and experience is degree of failure to achieve a complete

and absolute declaration of reality. While satisfaction is emotional or sentimental

opinion about how occupants perceived performance, experience is unlike satisfaction,

is not qualified by subjective interpretation. Experience is feelings, though, reflection or

cognition which resulted from direct contact between the subject (occupants) and the

object (house). Therefore in experience there is complete reference to reality, hence

indicates objective performance. Therefore, occupants acquire experience first when

they get in contact (occupy) with the house. As a result of this contact, sensory organs

will register experience with the building features. This is termed objective performance.

Thereafter, the issue of whether the occupant is satisfied with the building features

performance follows.

Therefore, satisfaction went further to indicate whether the occupants experience

with the building is pleasant or not. Hence, satisfaction is moderated performance

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opinion, which is achieved when the building performance achieved occupants’ social

values, determined by socioeconomic attributes. These socioeconomic attributes, which

comprises of income, education, culture, age and gender, influence occupants’

satisfaction (Amole, 2009; Cole & Brown, 2009). This implied that irrespective of the

objective (real) performance achieved by building features, the occupants’ satisfaction

can be bias. Hence, this called for caution in interpretation of satisfaction is performance

preposition. Building features may performance based on the design parameters but it

may not satisfy some class of people due to their socioeconomic attributes. This is why

public housing performance evaluation framework need to capture this moderation

effect of socioeconomic attributes. As public houses were designed for low income

occupation, high income occupants will report dissatisfaction with the houses, even if

their experience with the real performance of the building features is positive. Hence,

this study fills the above gap by proposing a framework for public housing performance

evaluation using occupants’ satisfaction and experience. It was based on theory in

Schwab & Cummings (1970), which identified satisfaction and performance as different

constructs, and were moderated by some variables (socioeconomic attributes) at

different levels. It involved identifying difference between satisfaction and performance

(based on experience), and confirmation of socioeconomic attributes moderation effects

on occupants’ satisfaction and experience using structural equation models (SEM).

The SEM models need dependent and independent factors, hence the building

features were divided into two; building components which are dependent and building

features which are independent. Building components comprises of building

accommodation such as rooms, kitchens and toilets. The independent features were

divided into tangible and intangible building features. Tangible building features include

floor, ceiling, walls and lighting facilities, while intangible building features are privacy,

ventilation and lighting. Hence, performance evaluation framework could served as a

guide, which can indicate the performance of the houses based on relationship between

independent building features (tangibles and intangibles) and dependent building


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1.3 Research Questions

Based on the above statement of problem, this study answers questions;

i. What is the level of occupants’ satisfaction and experience with the performance

of public housing in Nigeria?

ii. Do socioeconomic attributes of income and education influence occupants’

satisfaction and experience in public housing performance evaluation in the

study area?

1.4 Aim and Objectives

In consistence with research background and problem statement discussed above, aim of

this study is to propose an evaluation framework for public housing performance using

occupants’ satisfaction and experience in the study area. To achieve the above

mentioned aim, following objectives were forwarded;

i. To determine level of occupants’ satisfaction and experience with performance

of public housing features in the study area.

ii. To assess influence of socioeconomic attributes of income and education on

occupants’ satisfaction and experience in public housing performance evaluation

in the study area.

iii. To propose a POE framework for public housing performance using occupants

satisfaction and experience.

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1.5 Research hypotheses

i. There is significant difference between occupants’ satisfaction and experience

with performance of public housing in Nigeria.

ii. Socioeconomic attributes of income and education influence occupants’

satisfaction and experience in public housing performance evaluation in the

study area.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study covered only public houses located in Gombe metropolis Nigeria. There are

different forms and mechanisms in housing development in Nigeria in general and

Gombe metropolis in particular. There are private informal houses, organised private

sector houses, and public sectors houses. Private informal houses were developed by

individuals, usually on land acquired through market purchase or grant by government.

The houses were mostly owner occupier or for rentals. Organised private sector houses

were developed by private liability companies either using bank loans or public-private

partnership. Institutionalised houses were developed by government agencies or private

corporate bodies which were mainly for staff use. Then there are public houses which

were developed by government agencies or public liability companies on behalf of

government but sold to private individuals on owner occupier bases. This study

examines the last group, as they are public houses developed for people use.

The focus of this study was to evaluate difference between occupant’s

satisfaction and experience on performance of public houses and propose an evaluation

framework for public housing performance using occupants’ satisfaction and experience

in the study area. Therefore, this study measure occupants’ satisfaction and experience

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on physical (called tangible), non physical (called intangible) and building

accommodations (called component) factors. Occupants’ socio-economic attributes such

as education status and income level were also examined to determine their influence on

experience and satisfaction of the occupants.

Meanwhile, expected respondents to instruments of data collection for this study

are occupants’ of public houses in the study area. As the houses were developed in

clusters called ‘housing estate’ with prototype units in different combination of 1-

bedroom, 2-bedrooms, 3-bedrooms in each housing estate, the study covers housing

estates irrespective of number of rooms per unit.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This research is significant not only to government as developer and provider of public

estates, but also to private real estate developers, facility managers, occupants of such

estate and researchers based on the fact that;

a. It provided feedback on actual performance of public housing estates upon which

new public estate developments could be designed and constructed by


b. It portrayed the difference between housing performance based on occupants’

satisfaction and experience for caution in future usage.

c. Findings of this study can help government in formulating strategic housing

development policies that would meet demands of potential beneficiaries.

d. It also helps to provide strategy through which occupants can be empowered to

negotiate their housing needs.

e. It also helps private real estate developers to see a prospect in providing

alternative housing estates that meet requirements of prospective occupants.

f. It provides guidance for future research in the study area of POE.

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1.8 Research Structure

Research structure is an overview of how the study was planned; procedures, data

collection techniques, statistical tools for analysis and reporting of data. Reporting

covers contents discussed in various chapters of research report. Research structure in

other words, is an outline or a scheme that serves as a useful guide to researcher in his

effort to generate data for study. For the purpose of this research, data regarding

occupants’ level of satisfaction and experience with performance of various elements of

the houses were required. In the same vein, socio-economic attributes of occupants were

also important as they can influence occupant’s level of satisfaction with performance of

tangible and intangible features of the house. Data was collected using questionnaire.

Collected data was analysed using t-test, mean ranking and Structural Equation

Modelling (SEM) then presented in tabular form and descriptively explained. Summary

of findings recommendations and conclusion was then forwarded to serve as a yardstick

for future studies.

1.9 Thesis Organisation

General introductory elements of this study were explained in chapter 1. This comprises

of background of study, statement of research problem, research questions, aim and

objectives of study, scope of study and relevant significance of the study.

Relevant literature on conceptual framework and previous studies on the topic

were reviewed and presented in chapter 2. Research framework development was also

discussed in Chapter 2. These include theoretical framework development, theories of

performance, satisfaction and experience, conceptual framework development and

reasons for adopting inductive and deductive continuum.

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Methodology of study appears in chapter 3. It comprises of detail explanation on

population of study, sample and sampling technique, instruments of data collection,

method of data presentation and analysis as well as justifications for using each method

mentioned above.

Descriptive data analyses on building performance levels and differences

between occupants’ satisfaction and experience were presented in chapter 4. Data on

occupants’ satisfaction and experience were analysed using mean ranking and t-test.

Chapter 5 presented the results for modelling. SEM was used to evaluate effects of

socio-economic attributes of occupants on satisfaction and experience with performance

of public houses.

Discussion of results of findings, conclusion and recommendations appeared in

chapter 6. This comprised also of discussion of findings, whereby major findings were

compared with previous relevant findings in other studies to identify areas of disparity

and forward the reasons for disparity.

1.10 Summary

Chapter 1 discussed preliminary overview of the major background ideas that leads to

the purpose of carrying out this research. As this chapter revealed how previous studies

fell short of evaluating in-depth the public housing performance evaluation based on

satisfaction and experience, the chapter justified the need to find out the occupants

satisfaction and experience with performance of public housing. The chapter explained

potential beneficiaries of the research as well as the areas of the benefits. It serves as

foundation upon which understanding of what the research is all about was built. Next

chapter 2 on literature review was based upon this foundation. Chapter 2 presented

relevant literature reviewed, arranged according to the concepts relevant in the study.

These include the concept of public housing, post occupancy evaluation (POE),

performance, satisfaction and experience.

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2.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the underpinning concepts and relevant literature on the study. It

highlighted meanings, methods, types and other features of the basic concepts of this

study. The chapter was organised based on the information flow of the literature

reviewed. It started from identifying meaning of public housing and its implications. The

chapter then explained previous efforts in public housing developments in Nigeria.

Meaning and methods of POE were then discussed and concepts of satisfaction,

experience and performance were elaborated. Concept of occupant’s satisfaction and

experience were discussed together with their implication to public housing performance

evaluation. Relevant literatures used in developing building performance and

satisfaction constructs were discussed. Justification for using building performance

evaluation using occupants’ experience and building performance evaluation methods

were explained. Strategies, techniques and statistical analysis methods used in previous

studies on Performance evaluation were discussed. The chapter was closed by

elaborating issues in public housing performance evaluation and brief conclusion.

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2.2 Public Housing

Public housing is a form of housing provision method whereby the property is developed

by a government authority, which may be central or local for people use (Hutchison,

2009). Continuing challenges posed by unprecedented urbanization in developing

countries, including Nigeria, is the provision of adequate, qualitative and affordable

housing. Over the last three decades, Nigeria, like several developing countries, has

emphasised public housing schemes with the expectation of ripening its benefits such as

affordability (Adejumo, 2008).

Cases for public provision of subsidized housing have traditionally rested on

three main reasons. These were presented in Table 2.1. The table indicated redistribution

of resources, standard control and public service delivery as the reasons behind public

housing developments.

Table 2.1: Reasons for public housing developments

S/N Reasons Source

1 Redistribution

of resources

Redistribution of resources, which assumes that certain groups in

society, for a variety of reasons, are likely to under-consume housing

and remain ill-housed in spite of quite high levels of public spending

on income support. Includes rural and urban development thereby

ensuring even development throughout the country

(Balchin et al, 1995)

(Badejo, 2005)




To ensure that a minimum standard of housing consumption is

established and maintained. Poor housing standards represent and

environmental health risk. Public supply of low-cost housing may thus

be seen partly as an alternative to controlling standards at lower end of

private housing (and rented) sector. It correct or prevent market failures

in terms of interest rate control, tax waiver, exchange rate management

Sheppard (2011);

Elgin (2010); Lee &

Chan (2010); Balchin

et al. (1995)

Public service of providing sufficient housing of suitable standard

directly, at an affordable and controlled cost and quality to residents

Balchin et al. (1995)

3 Public service


To ensure housing delivery stability in the areas of material supply

subsidies and affordability. This can bridge the housing gap through

effective planning, monitoring and evaluation, and sustain the huge

capital outlay requirements and financial mobilization

Badejo (2005)

Help housing policy design in terms of Institutional development and

assistance, budgetary support for housing and user satisfied houses

Badejo (2005)

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The reasons for public housing developments mentioned above revealed that

there are areas of comparative advantage between public and private sectors in provision

of user satisfied public housing. The public sector has better advantage in supply of

development land, regulating housing market indices such as interest rates, tax and

exchange rates, initiating price, subsidies, formulation and implementation of housing

policies and regulations and regulating output distribution between urban and rural

areas. On the other hand, the private sector has better comparative advantages in the

areas of effective mobilisation, management and control of development funds as in

capital market, efficient utilisation of human and capital resources, effective and

profitable property management and disposal devices such as outright sales, rentals, etc.

Therefore, the role of both public and private sectors in bridging the gap in

housing development cannot be overemphasis. The two sectors must work together in

alternation to ensure effective, profitable and at the same time qualitative and affordable

housing development. Public sector should centre on areas of its best comparative

advantages such as provision of development land, regulating market indices that can

affect housing delivery and allow the private sector to carry out the construction and

disposal stages under a public controlled regulation and policies.

2.3 Public Housing Efforts in Nigeria

Efforts were made by government at different levels to provide adequate, affordable and

qualitative housing in Nigeria. Some of these efforts were dated back to colonial era.

However, a periodic review of government efforts especially at federal level, to curtail

problems of housing shortage can be summarised based on two time frames of Housing

Development before Independence and Housing Development after Independence.

Since pre - independence era, various governments have tried as much as

possible to provide housing for some categories of people depending on government’s

priority. Colonial administrators restricted this to government officials by laying-out

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Government Residential Areas in some selected major urban centres. Meanwhile only

one scheme was introduced to local people, which was African Staff Housing Scheme,

aimed at providing housing loan to Senior Civil Servants. In 1928, Lagos Executive

Development Board (L.E.D.B) was inaugurated, primarily to clear slums and ghettos in

Lagos. Also Government created Mortgage Corporation known as Nigerian Building

Society (N.B.S.) in 1956, which is now Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) to

provide loan for any prospective home-occupier who can afford to pay some certain

deposit laid down by the board at a particular interest rate (Akewusola, 2006).

After Independence in 1960, LEDB constructed some houses in Surulere to

resettle evacuated people from Isale-eko for facelift of the area. Some houses were also

constructed at Ogba-Oluwole Housing Scheme to resettle thousands of people from

Olowogbowo and Oluwole areas in Lagos Island. The housing units were allotted to

people on perpetual tenancy. In May 1972, Federal Government Staff Housing Board

was established taking over the African Staff Housing Scheme of the Colonial era. The

board was empowered to grant loans to eligible members of public service, amounting to

five times applicant’s annual salary or N20, 000 whichever is less for the construction,

purchase or improvement of their own houses, which was subjected to revision

(Akewusola, 2006).

Federal Housing Authority (FHA) was established in 1973 to handle

responsibility of initiating and executing Federal Government Housing Programmes.

Apart from programme set out by Federal Housing Authority, all states in the Federal

have their own Housing Corporations to compliment the efforts of Federal Housing

Authority. Effect of National Development Plan (NDP), which was five year economic

planning as an instrument for effective development of national income in first twelve

years of independence (1960-1972), was very limited concerning housing problems.

Second and third NDP which has major objective of ensuring that all Nigerians have a

right a relatively clean, safe, healthy and habitable accommodation took various steps

for translation of these objectives among which are:

a. Allocation of N500 million by Federal Military Government in 1972/73

for provision of 59,000 housing units for low income people throughout the Federation.

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10,000 units were planned for Lagos while 4,000 units each were for other eleven state

capitals then.

b. FMBN was granted a capital of N1.06 million in 1974/75 and officially

converted to Mortgage Bank and was asked to reduce interest on loans granted to public

from 8½% to 6½% (Akewusola, 2006).

In 1975, Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Environment was

created to initiate policies and provide leadership in all matters related to housing, urban

development and environment. A substantial sum of N1.86 million was allocated for

housing development during 1975/80 – plan period. Ademiluyi & Raji (2008) revealed

that between 1975 and 1980, there was a plan of delivering 202,000 housing units to

public but only 28,500 units, representing 14.1% were achieved.

In 1977, after Nigeria successfully hosted second All-Blacks and African

Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC’77), accommodation provided for contingents in

form of large estate tagged “Festac Town” was allocated by ballot, to Nigerians after the

festival was held in February of that year. The town, which was to occupy about 1,700

hectares of land when fully developed according to plan and to house a population of not

less than 120,000 people in about 24,000 housing units of various categories. Housing

categories, built on owner-occupier basis, range from one, two, three and four bedroom

apartments to duplexes and bungalows. A duplex costs about N6, 000 payments in 30

years at a yearly interest rate of 3% or a monthly rent of N238.43k (Akewusola, 2006).

Between 1979 and 1983, civilian government tried to ease housing problem

especially to less privilege citizens. In 1980, National Council on Housing and

Environment adopted National Housing Policy. This policy recognized right of each

state to formulate its own housing policy programme, but it must be co-ordinated by

Federal Ministry of Housing from time to time. This National Policy on housing among

others provided for:

i. Housing financing.

ii. Rent control.

iii. Preparation of basic typical designs and construction guidelines.

iv. Site and services project and squatters upgrading.

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v. Constant review of Land Use Act.

Federal Government constructed some flats all over the Federation during this

period. All state governments complimented efforts of Federal government by building

low and medium income housing units for their citizens. Ademiluyi & Raji (2008)

unearthed that out of 200,000 housing units planned to be delivered between 1981 and

1985, only 47,200 (23.6%) was constructed.

Next major effort was made in 1990. Federal Government launched a new

comprehensive housing policy as a result of disillusionment with all previous executed

housing programmes that failed to proffer any effective solution to housing problems.

The goal of this was to ensure that Nigerians own or have access to decent housing

accommodation at affordable cost by year 2000. Akewusola (2006) quoted Federal

Ministry of Works and Housing saying that, quantity of this goal was production of

about 700,000 housing units per year to meet the target of 8 million units by year 2000.

Documents indicated that not less than 60% of the new houses were to be built in urban

centres (Ademiluyi & Raji 2008).

Parts of its strategies to ensure the success of this policy were:

a. Removal or review of restrictive laws and regulations on land use,

survey, building plans and construction so as to facilitate housing delivery;

b. Strengthening (legal and financial roles) of Local government

participation in housing development;

c. Transformation of Federal Mortgage Bank to apex mortgage institution

through which housing fund shall be channelled to numerous Primary Mortgage

Institutions and lending agencies to be licensed for easy access to all individual and

groups for housing loan;

d. Vigorous promotion of functional housing designs and research into

abundant local building materials to reduce and provide housing units at affordable cost;

e. Encouragement of philanthropic organizations and private sector to

produce low cost housing units through adequate incentive packages;

f. Strengthening of monitoring and evaluation of housing policy.

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Also in 1994, Federal Military Government through Ministry of Works and

Housing designed National programme on housing for 1994/95. It was planned to

construct a total of 121,000 Housing Units for low, Medium, Upper-medium and High-

income citizens in all 30 states of the Federation then and Abuja. Designated period of

the programme was two years (1994-1995) with Federal Housing Authority as executing

agency (Rees, 2009). Ajanlekoko (2001) concluded by quoting CBN (1994 and 1998)

and Vision 2010 Main Reports saying that out of 121,000 housing units slated to be built

between 1994 and 1995, only 1,014 houses were completed. Ademiluyi & Raji (2008)

summarised it that less than 5% was achieved.

Those were the major government’s efforts in carrying out direct housing

development in Nigeria in pre-colonial and post-colonial era. Period from 1999 to 2015

witnessed government withdrawal from direct housing development, to the provision of

an enabling environment. But despite all these interventions and huge investments in

housing provisions since the colonial times and to date, Nigeria’s housing problems still

remain intractable. In fact, access to decent shelter has worsened for increasing segments

of urban population in Nigeria as seen above. In 2006, minister of Housing and Urban

Development admitted that the country needs about 10 million housing units before all

Nigerians can be sheltered (Ademiluyi & Raji, 2008).

2.4 Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)

POE was cited by Shen, Shen, & Sun (2012) as a process of evaluating building in an

organised and thorough way after it has been in occupation for some time. Term POE

was said to have originated from occupancy permission given to certify that a property is

fit for occupation (Riley, Kokkarinen & Pitt, 2010). Collections of occupants’ view of

buildings were introduced by Royal Institution of British Architects (RIBA) and were

incorporated in RIBA First handbook in 1965 (Baird et al., 1996). Building Performance

Research Unit (BPRU) at university of Strathclyde was sponsored by RIBA, architects'

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journal and ministry of public buildings and works to carry out POE researches.

Outcomes of the studies were published in RIBA journals. It was argued that feedback

programme was more academic than practicable (Riley et al., 2010).

Building a POE was incorporated in RIBA plan of work a part M, but was later

removed as clients complained that they cannot sponsor POE exercise as it may mainly

benefit future buildings than their own. Therefore it was left to scholars to venture into

its studies. In 2006, it was re-instated again as stage M into RIBA plan of work as a

result of the needs for quality and sustainable development (Turpin-Brooks & Viccars,

2006). Development of POE process continued in 1994 as a result of change in funding

sources of feedback. A team of experts was formed and named Post Occupancy Review

of Building and Their Engineering (PROBE). It was a multidisciplinary group

comprising researchers, publishers and practitioners. The studies were mostly carried out

on office buildings. Turpin-Brooks & Viccars (2006) cited that the exercise was not

taken into consideration as only 1 out of 14 recommended re-evaluation was carried out.

Riley et al. (2010) also cited Fisk (2001) saying that studies carried out by PROBE

failed to tackle all sustainability indicators and occupation styles into consideration

during the review.

PROBE was a research programme sponsored by a UK government and builders

group between 1995 and 2002. The study aimed to collect data on different POE studies

carried out between that periods of time and published for public, to help interested

professionals to utilise them (Riley et al., 2010). About 20 POE results were published

with other papers reviewed. That was a giant effort, as it provided for first time, an

opportunity for subsequent publications. PROBE provided an opportunity for British

council for offices guide to review the questionnaire interviews and other techniques of

PROBE. PROBE has also made POE process affordable and available for different

group of users.

Relatively better recognition and application of POE was reported in USA

Federal Facilities Council (2001) in Wheeler et al. (2011). POE was accepted as a tool

for sustainable development which led to development of building database. Scholars

also embark on studies using developed analytical tools and computer based analysis

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tools, which go through a rigorous validation process that includes analytical testing and

empirical validation. Gradual development of academic research studies has

incorporated performance analytical tools with satisfaction methods and indices to

generate optimum building policies, designs, construction methods, materials, services

and maintenance for different building uses. However despite research efforts made,

discrepancies still exist between optimised new developments and their actual

performance, which mostly need redesign to meet objectives of development. Such

failures may result from inherent shortcomings of analytical tools such as mathematical

assumptions associated with them or inability of evaluation team to ascertain the actual

characteristics of building and the occupants. This is because some of the users or

indices are dynamic (they change with time). Some of those attributes are income,

family size, age, occupation and health, which can invariably influence occupants'

satisfaction with building. Some of the programmes in UK that encourages application

of POE in future sustainable development issues were cited by Turpin-Brooks & Viccars

(2006) as Rethinking construction (construction excellence), demonstration project M14

(movement for innovation), and government planning framework (including PPG22) etc.

2.4.1 Types of POE

Three types of POE were identified by Preiser (2001) in Turpin-Brooks & Viccars

(2006) as Indicative, Investigative and Diagnostic Evaluations. It was cited that the types

that can be adopted for a particular study depend on finance, time, manpower and

expected outcomes. All three types share the same process of planning, execution and

interpretation which were summarily discussed in Table 2.2.

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Table 2.2: Types of post occupancy evaluation (Turpin-Brooks & Viccars, 2006)

Level of POE Aims Methods Timescale Comments

Indicative Assessment by


personnel to

highlight POE


Walk through evaluation.

Structured interviews? Group

meetings with end-users?

General inspection of building

performance? Archival

document evaluations?




Quick, simple, not too

intrusive/disruptive to

daily operation of

building. Judgemental

and overview only?

Investigative In-depth study of


performance and

solutions to


Survey questionnaires and

interviews. Results are

compared with similar

facilities. Report appropriate

solutions to problems

From one

week to



In-depth/useful results.

Can be intrusive/time-

consuming, depending

on number of

personnel involved

Diagnostic Show up any

deficiencies (to

rectify) and collect

data for future

design of similar


Sophisticated data gathering

and analysis techniques

Questionnaires, surveys,

interviews and physical




months to



Greater value in

usability of results.

More time consuming

2.4.2 Review of existing process frameworks of POE

Designing building evaluation process is difficult and complicated as it may need some

professional assumptions which a researcher may find difficult. This is because each

professional area (Building, Estate and Facilities Management, Architecture, Quantity

Survey) will tend to describe the framework from their field of study. Irrespective of

professional background, building evaluation process framework can be adjusted and be

applied by professionals in building profession. Professionals need only to adjust it to

their individual professional views and at the same time discards irrelevant information

to their professional views. This justified the incorporation of several building

evaluation process frameworks in this review, to enable development of comprehensive

process framework that can solve the problems of this study.

PROBE exercise carried out by Building Use Studies (BUS) as discussed above

adopted a CIBSE TM3 framework to evaluate performance of office buildings in UK

(Figure 2.1). The project was divided in to ten (10) stages of varying activities and

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expected results. It was further proposed that the study can take two months to collect

data, with another one month for editing, review and publication. The PROBE

framework was adapted herein with necessary adjustments derived from other

frameworks in literature discusses herewith, to incorporate more stages, activities and

outcomes as needed by the research objectives and scope. Stages in Figure 2.1 include

agreement to undertake a probe study, Pre-visit questionnaire, analysis and draft report,

BUS occupant survey and PROBE final reports.

EVALUATION OF NIGERIAN PUBLIC HOUSING ... soal selidik oleh Bangunan Penggunaan Pengajian (BUS), UK telah disesuaikan dan digunakan pada perjanjian lesen. Persampelan rawak sistematik - [PDF Document] (41)


Figure 2.1: POE Process by PROBE (Cohen et al., 2001)


Initial contact by BSJ

preliminary agreement

to survey


Contact by survey team,

Review preliminary

information, Issue pre-

visit questionnaire,

Initiate energy analysis


First site visit, complete details of PVQ,

Walk-round survey, check on-site records,

confirm energy data availability, seek

approval to occupants’ survey, pressure

test, metering, etc.


Initial analysis, Review all information,

Draft descriptive report, Do preliminary

calculations, Identify outstanding items,

Checklist for second visit

Additional information,

requested from occupiers,

contractors and utilities

Stage 7


energy analysis

plus benchmark


Stage 5

Second site visit, Confirm

messages and details


BUS Occupant survey,

Questionnaire and



Probe final report,

Analysis and key



Article for publication

including BSJ

graphics, Probe team

final comments

Published article in

CIBSE Journal

Improved industry practice

and building performance


Pressure test by BRE or




Reference data on

achieved performance for

benchmarking etc

Agenda items for

clients, occupiers,


research and






EVALUATION OF NIGERIAN PUBLIC HOUSING ... soal selidik oleh Bangunan Penggunaan Pengajian (BUS), UK telah disesuaikan dan digunakan pada perjanjian lesen. Persampelan rawak sistematik - [PDF Document] (42)


However, a development process evaluation framework by Kim et al. (2005) in

Figure 2.2 provided additional important stages to previous frameworks. It first stressed

the need for literature review to identify and analyse an existing evaluation frameworks

and documents which is very important for a comprehensive model development. It

further stressed the need for setting evaluation criteria and model to enable comparism

with previous studies as well as justifying the importance of the models used.

Figure 2.2: Development process of evaluation framework (Kim et al., 2005)

Evaluation Model

Criteria and Scoring

Weights and Credits

Performance Indicators

Review existing evaluation model and documents

Calculate indicators’ weight and credits

Select performance indicators

Analyze and classify performance indicators

Set evaluation criteria and scoring schemes

Interview with experts

Analyze active codes and regulation

Analyze existing evaluation criteria

Consult experts with AHP questionnaire

Housing Performance Evaluation Framework

Develop evaluation program

Apply to the case study and establish evaluation


EVALUATION OF NIGERIAN PUBLIC HOUSING ... soal selidik oleh Bangunan Penggunaan Pengajian (BUS), UK telah disesuaikan dan digunakan pada perjanjian lesen. Persampelan rawak sistematik - [PDF Document] (43)


Nawawi & Khalil (2008) also proposed a POE process framework which

comprises of concept, process and phases of evaluation. The framework (Figure 2.3) has

three (3) phases of evaluation describing levels of the evaluation. Six (6) steps of

systematic sequences which explain activities needed at each of three (3) phases were

forwarded. Descriptive summary of the actions and issues to consider at each step was

summarised under the steps. As an academic empirical study, there was need for this

study also to adopt phasing of the study into three; activity, process and output as used

by Nawawi & khalil (2008) with different titles of initial phase, process phase and

recommendation phase.

Figure 2.3: Post occupancy evaluation phases (Nawawi & Khalil, 2008)
















Identify the


background of

the buildings

and define

provided area


Issues to


Type of


Total Area (if



Year of Built


Identify the need

for the evaluation

and probable

aspects of the


Issues to


Objectives of

evaluation and


Level of effort


Team or

number of


Instrument for


Determine any

benchmark used

against other


Description: Select planning

approaches that

will meet the

needs of


Issues to


Decide when the

work will be

carried out

Feasibility study

Plan research

Study building




performance of



strength and

weakness of







Carry out the POE

Issues to consider:

Define occupants/

building user

Collect data upon


Develop data


Toolkit: occupant



Distribute and

collect survey


carry out


meetings and


Analyze data




feedback of


Issues to





records and



on, report,




ation plan

for action


Action in

response to


Issues to


Now: within

3 months to a


Later: within

1 to 5 years

Future: for



Focus study:




EVALUATION OF NIGERIAN PUBLIC HOUSING ... soal selidik oleh Bangunan Penggunaan Pengajian (BUS), UK telah disesuaikan dan digunakan pada perjanjian lesen. Persampelan rawak sistematik - [PDF Document] (44)



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