How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (2024)

Michael Richards put a lot of effort into crafting Kramer for the immensely popular sitcom Seinfeld.

"I combed every second-hand shop here in Southern California looking for a particular clothing out of the 60s," Richards told ABC News.

"And it was quite a quest.

"I'd built up a wardrobe. I probably had over 60 shirts and jackets and pants, but only two pairs of shoes. They were the shoes, down to the laces, that I felt comfortable in."

Richards explains what went into becoming Kramer in his new memoir Entrances and Exits, which gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at the show.

How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (1)

Richards couldn't have anticipated the enormous success of Seinfeld, describing it as "mind-boggling".

"None of us saw that coming," he says.

"You do good work. And you see it's catching on, but not to that level. That was just extraordinary."

Even the American network that screened it, NBC, didn't seem to have that much faith in the show initially, only commissioning it for four episodes.

The show ran from 1989 to 1998 and went out on a high, with the final episode attracting one of the largest audiences ever for a season finale.

Kramer was a crowd favourite and Richards won three Emmys for the role.

If you go back and watch the series, however, you'll realise he has a different name in episode one, and his first name — Cosmo — wasn't assigned to him till season 6. Richards put his stamp on what could have been a disposable character and made him an integral part of the show.

How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (2)

But Richards was so modest about his impact, that he was shocked into silence during an acceptance speech for an Emmy he didn't expect to win.

"I was speechless," Richards says.

"I would get on stage to receive I think the second Emmy and I couldn't speak.

"I just stood there looking around. And the audience that night started to laugh. They thought it was funny … I said, 'I really don't know what to say.'

"And I stood there for 30 seconds, not saying anything."

Richards says people were patting him on the back backstage telling him how hilarious he was, but he was mortified that he hadn't thanked anyone. It wasn't an act like people had thought.

"I was simply at a loss for words," he said.

The curse of playing Kramer so well is that Richards struggled to land another substantial role when Seinfeld wrapped up, saying he was typecast.

The character is all casting agents could see when they saw his name pop up.

Richards says he was just doing his job on Seinfeld and had no idea how far it would go.

"I had a background in doing comedy, certainly in the area of eccentricity.

"Yes, I could be highly weird, and they wanted a highly weird next-door neighbour. So, I just worked each week to get the laughs.

"The material they gave me, I'd look it over and figure out how to get it to giddy up, just to get the laugh. Striving for the laugh."

Raising a budding comedian

Richards isn't the only person in his family "striving for the laugh".

Always too critical of his own performances, Richards hadn't really sat down to watch Seinfeld until he was writing his memoir, taking in all nine seasons.

How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (3)

When asked what he learnt from his son's reactions to Kramer, after sitting down to watch the show with him, Richards says he learnt "that Kramer had indeed arrived".

"I mean, here's a generation … so many years have gone by and my son's laughing and getting into the show. Oh my. There are no words for it," he says.

"It's just a feeling of, I could say, great contentment to be there with my son enjoying the show like this.

"I think it's inspired him. He's got the fool. He's got the spark, so we'll see where that goes.

"But he's very inspired by comedy. He watches a lot of comedy."

How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (4)

Richards says he would never push a career in comedy onto his son, but is happy to encourage an already active mind in that area.

"He already puts together little sketches and videos and he shows them to his class, and that's certainly a start.

"I mean, as a sixth grader, he's only 12, putting together these kinds of things is a big start.

"I didn't get into comedy until I was really 14, 15 years old, although I made my friends laugh years earlier, but so has he, so we'll see."

Life after Seinfeld

The foreword to Entrances and Exits is written by comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who plays a fictional version of himself in the show that bears his name.

He's currently performing stand-up around Australia, with a second Sydney performance interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters this week.

Richards knows what it's like to be interrupted on stage.

How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (5)

In 2006, when a noisy group arrived during his stand-up comedy routine at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, Richards acknowledged them in a way that prompted one to call out "You're not funny".

Richards's infamous reaction to those three little words was caught on tape and went viral before things really went viral. This resulted in him "cancelling himself," before people were really getting cancelled.

"It went deep," he says of his self-imposed exile and period of reflection.

"Years and years of just being outside of show business."

Richards dedicates a chapter to this incident in Entrances and Exits, the memoir that has prompted him to re-emerge publicly 18 years later.

He's linked the rage he felt in that moment to a powerful slow reveal in his memoir, which ABC News has chosen not to publish so that fans can experience it for themselves the way it was intended.

Richards, who reads widely, put a lot into telling his story.

"I spent close to four years … finding the words for a memoir," he says.

Entrances and Exits by Michael Richards is available in paperback and as an ebook and audiobook read by the author, with a foreword by Jerry Seinfeld.

How Michael Richards became Kramer and made a disposable character integral to Seinfeld (2024)


Why did they change Kramer on Seinfeld? ›

At the time of the shooting of the original Seinfeld pilot, "The Seinfeld Chronicles," Kenny Kramer had not yet given consent to use his name, and so Kramer's character was originally known as "Kessler."

Who was the inspiration for Kramer? ›

Seinfeld's eccentric next-door neighbor, Kramer, was based on a real person named Kenny Kramer who lived next to Larry David. Kenny Kramer's eccentricities and traits were used to develop the character of Kramer in the show.

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#11: Kramer's Slide

From his hare-brained schemes to his love for fresh fruit, there's so much to love about Kramer's quirkier habits. However, you might be surprised to hear that his iconic entrance into Jerry's apartment started out as an improvisation.

Who came up with the idea for Seinfeld? ›

The TV show Seinfeld

In 1988 Seinfeld was asked to develop a sitcom with NBC. He teamed with friend and fellow comedian Larry David to create Seinfeld, which was first broadcast the following year.

What mental illness did Kramer have in Seinfeld? ›

In the course of five years, psychiatry students and their professor at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey have concluded that Kramer's behavior is in line with that of people given diagnoses of schizoid personality disorder.

Why did they stop clapping for Kramer? ›

As Kramer (Michael Richards) became more popular, his entrance applause grew so prolonged that the cast complained it was ruining the pacing of their scenes. Directors subsequently asked the audience not to applaud so much when Kramer entered.

How did Michael Richards get the role of Kramer? ›

Richards was introduced to and worked with American actor and comedian Larry David on Fridays. David, who would become a cocreator of and the head writer for Seinfeld, had someone else in mind for the role of Kramer during casting.

Who was originally supposed to play Kramer on Seinfeld? ›

In real life, Hankin auditioned for the role of Kramer and was series co-creator Larry David's first choice during casting, as he felt Hankin was most similar to his friend Kenny Kramer who the character was based on; however, Michael Richards was ultimately cast.

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Elaine was named after Jerry Seinfeld's friend Elayne Boosler, a fellow comedian, and was also written as similar to Susan McNabb, who was Seinfeld's girlfriend when the series began.

Did Kramer wear a wig? ›

Revealing mistakes. During the filming of the scene in which Kramer accidentally sets his hair on fire, Michael Richards wore a wig to protect his scalp. When he ran into the bathroom, the wig fell off causing the cast to laugh. They can be seen beginning to laugh just before the scene is cut.

Where did Kramer get his money? ›

In the TV show Seinfeld, Where did Kramer get his money from? Kramer had various sources of income. He had a coffee table book about coffee tables (publication was cancelled, but he probably got an advance), he was an underwear model for Calvin Klein, he previously worked at H & H Bagels, but was on strike.

Are Kramer and Seinfeld friends? ›

In the TV show Seinfeld, does Jerry Seinfeld really like Kramer or does he just tolerate him? Jerry's feelings for Kramer are somewhere between friendship and tolerance. Kramer lives across the hall so he has to be cordial to him. Kramer is someone to whom he can always feel superior so there is that.

Who was supposed to play Elaine on Seinfeld? ›

It has been reported that other actresses were in line to play the character, including Rosie O'Donnell, Megan Mullally, Jessica Lundy, Patricia Heaton, Mariska Hargitay, and Amy Yasbeck. On the DVD commentary for the season-1 episode, “The Stakeout”, Larry David says that Elaine was based on, “…

Who is the mastermind behind Seinfeld? ›

Lawrence Gene David (born July 2, 1947) is an American comedian, writer, actor, and television producer. He and Jerry Seinfeld created the NBC television sitcom Seinfeld, of which David was head writer and executive producer for the first seven seasons.

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Who was the principal contributor for the script, Larry David or Jerry Seinfeld? Seinfeld was the brainchild of two friends who had nothing better to do - Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David.

What happened to the actor who played Kramer? ›

He struggled to find work in television and film in the early 2000s and returned to performing stand-up comedy. During a 2006 appearance at the Laugh Factory comedy club in Los Angeles, he lashed out and hurled obscenities and racial epithets at African American audience members who had been heckling him.

What happened to Kramer at the end of Seinfeld? ›

The Seinfeld series finale saw Jerry, Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), George (Jason Alexander) and Kramer (Michael Richards) end up in jail after violating a Good Samaritan law in a small town.

Why did they replace Seinfeld dad? ›

Martin replaced Phil Bruns who first portrayed the character in his first appearance in Season 1's "The Stake Out". He took on the role upon showrunners Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld deciding they wanted the character of Morty Seinfeld to be harsher, as they thought Bruns was too laid-back for the character.


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