The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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Sunday May 3 1942 Want Ads 33131 THE KNOXVILLE XEWS-SEXTIXEL City Schools 'Show Off Their New Health Program in May Day Exercises Elementary school pupils 100 per cent are taking the inerrased physical activity program just as seriously as their older brothers and sisters as you can tell by this view of Mynders pupils in their May Day program Park Club The Flenniken School physical activity program this year is being directed by a new instructor Miss Lillian Johnston who is shown above at right watching a group of boyi form a in preparation for their May Day health show Two Girl Scout Troops Now May Attend Camp Together This view of the symmetrical rows of Park Junior pupils fat calisthenics drill at Winona Athletic Field makes a pretty picture you think all part of the May Day Health Show presented by dty schools off" the new physical activity program in which every pupil has a part according: to his or her ability The band in foreground provided lively music for the drills Under Way for TROOP 1 Chilhowee Troop 1 had a skating party at Chilhowee Park JOYCE AULT TROOP 34 Park Junior High School We discussed having a formal party and appointed chairmen Ruth Waldrup Barbara Atch-ley Willa Mae Phillips Sis Mc-Colloch and Helen Moser We discussed a better way to sell defense stamps We have sold about 580 worth of stamps since February SHIRLEY LEDGERWOOD TROOP 34 St James We had some lessons in First Aid on bandaging We were glad to welcome some new girls who visited our troop They were Patricia Ann Cruze age 13 months Mary Jean Moore and Felecia Nan Moore MARGARET ADAMS TROOP 2 Fair Garden Since we didn't go-to school last Monday our troop went on a hike to Love's Creek We waded In the creek although there were a few crayfish Peggy Moulton and Dorothy Rutherford won the prize for a scavenger hunt DOROTHY RUTHERFORD TROOP 26 South Knoxville Junior High Troop 26 met Tuesday and under the instructions of Miss Capps we learned some new dances We planned a chapel program We are going to give a play entitled "Dates or DOROTHY WALLACE TROOP 21 We had the roll call and sang "God Bless Mrs Moore talked to us about camp We played battle ball and had a goodnight circle PAULINA BUHL TROOP 4 The troop played games to open the meeting until our Scout leader arrived We then divided into groups and practiced First Aid We were sorry that Mrs Bird could not be with us JEANNINE SUTTON TROOP 51 Central Blethodiat We were glad to welcome Patsle Stooksbury and Jackie Poe into the troop Joan Hodges Geneva Hightower Jackie Poe Patsy and Bobby Arnhart Betty Ruth Hisco*ck Betty Dough Mary Helen Jones and Betty Crumley passed outdoor life and nature BETTY CRUMLEY 1ITEEK-END Girl Scout camp-n ing is popular now This year two troops may go to Camp Margaret Townsend at the same time One troop uses the Big Lodge and the other troop uses the very attractive new Hunter Troop House Troop 5 Van-Gilder School is spending this week-end at camp Day camp is proving very popular for Saturday hikes and after school cook-outs Troop 23 at Rule Junior and Troop 43 at Lincoln Park combined Nature and Cooking this week-end at Camp Mary Ijams Troop 26 from South Knoxville Junior High will go out Tuesday afternoon from school Then the leaders and council members will have a cook-out Tuesday night TROOP 15 Church Street Church Most of the girls in Troop 15 finished their name tapes for the nursery school Next Wed-nesday we are going skating and then -to Jean Hunter's for refreshments TROOP 23 Rule Junior High School Dorothy Edwards read an article on messengers and the necessity of delivering messages promptly Marianne Hofferbert showed ua a picture of Princes Elizabeth in her gitl Guide uniform enlisting for war services and talked about an article in the American GirL Mrs Spangler our camp mother told us about Camp Margaret Townsend and Camp Mary Ijama Even though It was raining ahe came and urged us to go to camp and gave us some folders about camp Lorcne Johnson told about the rules at day camp The troop decided on May 2 to go to day camp We elected patrol leaders The new leaders are Mary Frei Jimmie Lou Grubb and Wilma Spangler MONA SCHWARTZ AND ALMA JEAN McKAMEY TROOP 3 John Tmrleton We had an outdoor meeting Wednesday Miss Morrell our leader taught First Aid Others 1 worked on the Sports and Game badge The Scouts all seem very interested in First Aid and they will finish next week BETTY SHARPE TROOP 5 Members of Troop 5 went to Camp Margaret Townsend Saturday Bettye Jean Wooten continued to report on the care of books and Shirley Carr gave two reports one on health and safety the other on sports and games CAROLYN FILLERS GIRL SCOUTS Camporee the Second Class Board of Review and successfully met the requirements MONEY TROOP 56 We had patrol meetings then we went to the auditorium of Central Baptist Church and attended the Revival Service We had a Saturday trip for hike and test passing -NORMAN RENFRO TROOP 32 We had six new Scouts: Curtis Brown James Brown Johnny Harper Jack- Huff Billy Mcnu*tt and Raymond Trent A new patrol the Reavers was organized Charles Price is patrol leader JENKINS TROOP 24 We had our patrol meetings and talked about the bicycle hike we had Saturday HINES TROOP 25 Plans were made for the Troop to be at the Bear Committee's meeting at the Court House in order to protest against issuing a local beer permit Meeting closed with the Great Benidiction SHANTON JR Austin Homes Youth Form Own Miniature Government' BOYS AND GIRLS of Austin Homes are organized into a miniature city under auspices of the Cansler Branch YMCA Programs designed to make better citizens of children of the Homes are being carried on In an election of "city" offices at Austin Homes the following were chosen: George Minor mayor Della Hemphill Alma Smith Winifred Morgan William Scott and Dorothy Harris coundlmen Gaines Lenoir police chief and Billy King assistant Johnny Miles welfare director and Edna Smith assistant Charles Snapp city judge Ervin Mayfield district attorney and Doris Scott assistant OLIVE' SCHOOL OFFICERS for the annual Boy Scout Camporee to be held Saturday May 16 at Tyson Park have been selected by the Boy Scout Activities Committee The officers are as follows: Tracy Camporee director Robert Shultz assistant director health and Sanitation Observers Joseph Dean Sam Sargent Dr David Waterman and Thomas Prince Robert Tuttle activity director and Harry Metcalf assistant director Emergency Service Corps demonstration and Campfire Program directors A Fry and Charles Dean Fred Roberts publicity chairman Brown and Brown camp layout Roy Sherrod and Bill Clotworthy committee on phisical arrangements TROOP Two new patrols have been formed the Beavers with John Campbell as patrol leader and Jerome Mueller as assistant and the Owls with Robert Monroe as patrol leader and Oren Mc-Cleary assistant Richard Louis Smith was elected a member of Troop 5 and Mr Clark made some important announcements about our part in the Camporee We closed the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag THALER TROOr IS Hello Fellow Scouts We are starting a new troop at McCalla Avenue Baptist Church Troop Committemen are as follows: John Creech chairman Fred Chance treasurer I Peachtree and Hobart Williams Scout master is Clyde Smith and assistant Scoutmaster is Mr Collins Patrol leaders are Hayward Mixon and Paul Kent Other members are Mickey Walton Jack Wise Ray Biddle Buddy Galyon Everett Smith Melvin Waldrop Gene Ashie Bobby Carpenter John Creech and Bobby Cash JOHN CREECH TROOP 68 Scoutmaster Hillis announced that there would be an election VICTORY GARDENS of officers at the next meeting A letter from Vernon Lloyd Assistant Scoutmaster who went into the air service was read Next week each boy is to bring a one page letter to Vernon all of which will be mailed together In the first aid worrit of the evening we studied fractures and practiced using splints on the arm The meeting was closed with a skit by the naming Arrow Patrol BAKER TROOP 10 Our meeting opened with the Scout Oath and the Pledge of Allegiance after which discussed a point system We checked on our equipment for the Camporee May 16 hoping to win the same honor we won last year DEAN TROOP Sammy Chandler Junior assistant Scoutmaster opened the meeting The troop plans 100 per cent participation In the Camporee May 16 A practical problem in First Aid was given and each patrol demonstrated its solution and immediate action SCHNEIDER TROOP 11 The meeting was devoted to discussion of the Patrol Leaders course which will start Monday evening at the YMCA In the meantime the first meeting of the Explorer Patrol was conducted by Tommy Creekmore The remainder of the meeting was devoted to learning of new Scout games LESLIE INGRAM TROOP 66 Troop 66 had an over night hike Saturday Our banquet will be held very soon FAIN JR TROOP It Our monthly Imvestiture Service was held April 24 Boys invested were: Steve Pen land Thomas Penland Gene Brock Harry Beard Jr Sammy Bowling Dick Lancaster Bobbie Carter Sammy Peckingpaugh and Jimmie Vestor Charles Seachy went before GET A BOOST AT MT Robert Larson Park Junior High gets as much exercise as the exercisers at the May Day Health drill Try blowing that horn awhile" says Robert "and your lungs won't need so much exercise" Fountain City Pupil Wins WCTU Contest rpHIRTEEN-year-old Esther Shanton daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Shanton of Fountain City won a recent contest sponsored by the Fountain City Womens Christian Temperance Union on Evil Effects of The winning paper listed seven reasons why repeal of Prohibition Amendment ha not reduced the evil effects at liquor Gibbs High Chooses Royalty at Festival These two Gibbs High School students James Letler and Jew-ell Longmire were crowned King and Queen of the School at the May Day Festival held Friday night In an election earlier students nominated tha two by popular vote SPRING CAMP Birthday Marvin leon west son of Mr and Mrs Alvin West Route 1 Knoxville celebrated his eighth birthday a 1 Marvin has been a mem-fa of the Birthday Club aix years and la joining again 1 a year He is in the third grade at Powell Grammar School and like school -Marvin fine He likes to play ball and fish He is saving his money to buy War Saving Stamp He sends 10 pennies to the Birthdsy Park Fund TOWARD THOMAS SING who will celebrate his sixth birthday May 5 writes us that he would like to join the Birthday Fade club He la going to have ice cream and cake with some of his little friends on his birthday Edward likes to help his grand father feed the hogs He is the son of Mr and Mrs A Sing of Wilminghton CafiL but he makes his home with Mr and Mrs A White of Neuberts He sent six pennies to the Birthday Park Fund Little george edward SLEMP thinks that he came along just in time to lelp this coun-t out George who was one year old April 27 wants to grow up to be a pilot for Uncle Sam like his father Sergt Slemp of the Air Corp He likes to go riding with his andfather He celebrated i a birthday George with Ice cream and cake and by joining the Birthday Club He is the son of Mr and Mrs Slemp of Appalachia Vo Betty ann sparks daughter of Mr and Mrs Tom Sparks of By in ton celebrated her fourth hi today April 18 by joining the Birthday Park Club for her fourth year Betty Ann tells us that she has a two-day-old baby brother of whom she is very fond She hso a big cake with four candles on it and her daddy bought her a real pretty dress for her birthday She likes to play with her aunt who is just one year older than she Betty Ann sends 10 pennies to the Birthday Park Fund and wants it to go toward buying new swings so she can bring her baby brother to the park and awing him a bird Trs a plane said Robert Edward Donahoe when asked what he likes most to do This was way of saying he liked to listen to and next to that the "Lone Robert will be 5 May 4 and i the son of Mr ind Mrs Donahoe 2072 Columbia Avenue He gave 10 pennies to the Birthday Park Club ORIS FAYE CHAPMAN celebrated her eighth birthday April 2' with a big and plenty of ice cream Doris is the daughter of Mr and Mrs a an of Blue Diamond Ky Shell the second grade and likes school fine Doris has a big brother at Pearl Harbor She says that she prays for Doris Faya him and the other boys there every night and hopes that the war will be over soon so he can come home She is buying War Savings Stamps with all her money Doris sent 10 penniea to the Birthday Park Fund URLEY PERRY was 1 April 30 and for a celebration ate as much icecream as he could hold Lurley is the son of Mr and Mrs Richard Perry 2004 Magnolia Avenue and likes most next to eating ice cream riding in a car' He a 25 Lurley pennies to the Birthday Park PONALD LYNN HARTSELL son of Mr and Mri Hollis Hartsell Neuberts will celebrate his second birthday May 4 He likes to go to Sunday School and play with his wagon he also likes to help his mother clean house He is learning his by looking at one letter at a time in The News-Sentinel until he learns it Ronald Ronald has long curls He gave 10 pennies to the Birthday Park Fund AT ALDEN OWENS was 4 May 11 2 and to celebrate visited his grand- parenta Mr and Mrs Lloyd Owens Martin Mill Pike and likes to play all day long stopping only to eat and sleep He gave 10 Riea to the day Club and is going to visit the Park this summer r-A Malden MARTHA ANN HAMMOND daughter of Mr and Mrs Dudley Ham- mond 803 West Cumber-la nd Avenue will celebrate her first birth-day May 5 Martha likes to dance and clap her hands Her pet words are "bye and She came to the Birthday Club office with her moth-er to Join the Club and gave Mrth Ann 25 pennies from her own bank 175 Oakwood Pupils Get Gold Star Rate PRINCIPAL DUYCK announced last week that 175 Oakwood pupila have been given gold stars for perfect health These pupils are perfect In the five points eyes ears throat teeth and nutrition UP FOR FIRS The Staub School 5cout Troop shown above thrilled with the expectancy of the first camping week-end of the season are shown as they got together for their trip Left to right at front are Geneva Anderson Deloris Vaughn Mary Elaine Marshal Louise Mills Levon Pullier and Barbara Eaton Back row: Joyce Newcomb Patsy Farmer Frances Ogle Lore Jean Hinton Verna Treadway and Peggy Anderson These three Mt Olive fourth graders left to right Jack Fori Wade Tucker and Betty Large are shown inspecting the display of a miniature farm stressing the importance of growing and eating the right foods Art class pupils made the display A.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.