Psychology Section Department of Pediatrics

Baylor College of Medicine

Texas Children's Hospital

Training Director: Mariella M. Self, Ph.D. http://www.bcm.edu/pediatrics/psychology





Setting and Program Overview The Psychology Section of Baylor College of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics offers a postdoctoral fellowship program designed to train scientist-practitioners in Pediatric/Clinical Child Psychology. The program offers specialized training structured according to one of three tracks: (1) Pediatric Health Psychology, (2) Anxiety Disorders, and (3) Preschool. Ours is a one-year program, with potential opportunity to extend for a second year. The mission of the Pediatric/Clinical Child fellowship program is to advance the profession of psychology and maximize child health outcomes through exemplary postdoctoral training that launches the independent careers of psychologists who are effectively prepared to balance and integrate clinical practice, research, teaching, and other professional activities within their subspecialty field. We achieve this through facilitating advanced competencies, informed professional development, and an emphasis on individualized and contextually-relevant evidence-based care achieved through commitment to a scientist-practitioner model, mutually-informative multidisciplinary collaboration, and scholarly inquiry.

The primary site for this fellowship is the Psychology Service of Texas Children's Hospital (TCH), which is the largest children’s hospital in the United States and the primary teaching/training center for Baylor College of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics. Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and TCH are located on the grounds of the Texas Medical Center, the largest medical center in the world. TCH was one of only ten hospitals nationally designated by U.S. News and World Report in 2016-2017 for Honor Roll status in pediatrics, ranking 4th overall and ranking among America’s best in all 10 specialty areas evaluated. TCH Main Campus is a 629-bed institution comprised of five main facilities and additional satellite facilities in central Houston or surrounding suburbs. Of the five main facilities, the Clinical Care Center is the primary outpatient services facility, whereas the West Tower is the inpatient services facility. The Feigin Center houses research facilities, including labs, administrative,

and faculty offices. The Abercrombie Building houses additional patient care areas, other patient services (e.g., international patient services), and administrative offices. The physical space of the Psychology Service occupies 13,000 square feet in the Clinical Care Center, which is adjacent and connected to both the West Tower and the Feigin Center. The Pavilion for Women houses the maternal-fetal medicine program and also connects to the Clinical Care Center. With accomplished faculty including pediatric psychologists, neuropsychologists and

psychologists involved primarily in funded research that span a variety of areas, our program provides fellows with many professional role models. The client population served through TCH represents a wide range of conditions within primary and specialized pediatric medicine. The caseload of fellows is informed by their educational needs and training goals. With experiences that vary by track, fellows have opportunity to participate in evaluations and therapy with children/adolescents with mental health symptoms and disorders that may occur along with or in the absence of medical diagnoses or physical symptoms. Primary services in which the fellows engage include diagnostic evaluation, individual and parent-child dyad based therapy, consultation and liaison with inpatients, and consultation with families, schools, and referring physicians. Our program provides a firm foundation for emerging psychologists pursuing careers in academic medical centers and children’s hospital settings. The majority of our graduates enter directly into positions within academic medical centers, though a range of career settings is represented.



Graduates of our program typically engage in multiple professional activities in their careers, often including psychological intervention, psychological assessment, consultation, teaching, supervision, research, and program development/evaluation. The Psychology Section maintains numerous trainees at various levels, offering ample opportunity for collegial interaction with peers, as well as potential for supervisory experiences. The Pediatric/Clinical Child fellowship program exists alongside a separate Pediatric Neuropsychology fellowship program (Director: Marsha Gragert, Ph.D., ABPP-CN). Other current departmental trainees include psychology interns in our APA-accredited psychology internship program and graduate practicum students.

Space designated for the Psychology Service’s patient care includes child therapy rooms, family therapy rooms, group therapy rooms, neuropsychological testing/interview rooms and an indoor playground. Clinical space is equipped with observation rooms, one-way mirrors, and recording/audio capability for supervision and consultation purposes.

Fellowship Activities The fellowship is organized such that fellows are accepted into one of three tracks: Pediatric Health Psychology, Anxiety Disorders, or Preschool (see below for more detailed program descriptions). Each track corresponds with training in the corresponding major training area, and fellows in each track also expand competencies through a minor clinical training experience, research/scholarship experience, and structured didactic/professional development activities. Throughout the year, fellows spend

approximately 80% time in activities related to clinical service provision (60% in the major training area and 20%

in the minor clinical experience, including supervision), 10% in research/scholarship, and 10% time in didactics/professional development.

The tables that follow provide examples of the tracks and structure; descriptions of training experiences follow:

Pediatric Health Psychology Track

Major Training Area (60%)

Pediatric Health Psychology Program

Minor Training Experience (Example) (20%)

Primary Care Program

Research/ Scholarship


Research/Scholarship Experience with Presentation at National Conference or Manuscript


Didactics & Professional Development (10%)

Various didactic seminars, case discussion forums, journal club, professional development seminars, Grand Rounds, &

professional development mentorship



Anxiety Disorders Track

Major Training Area (60%)

Anxiety Disorders Program

Minor Training Experience (Example) (20%)

Preschool Program

Research/ Scholarship


Research/Scholarship Experience with Presentation at National Conference or Manuscript


Didactics & Professional Development (10%)

Various didactic seminars, case discussion forums, journal club, professional development seminars, Grand Rounds, &

professional development mentorship

Preschool Track

Major Training Area (60%)

Preschool Program

Minor Training Experience (Example) (20%)

Pediatric Health Psychology Program

Research/ Scholarship


Research/Scholarship Experience with Presentation at National Conference or Manuscript


Didactics & Professional Development (10%)

Various didactic seminars, case discussion forums, journal club, professional development seminars, Grand Rounds, &

professional development mentorship

Major Training Areas/Tracks Pediatric Health Psychology Program (PHPP): The Pediatric Health Psychology Program (PHPP) serves children/adolescents and their families who are having difficulty managing physical symptoms, adapting to chronic medical conditions, or adhering to medical regimens. Referrals are received from a wide array of subspecialties, most frequently including: Cardiology, Diabetes/Endocrine, Gastroenterology, Hematology-Oncology, Neurology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and Pulmonology with additional referrals coming from Allergy/Immunology, Bariatric Surgery, the Fetal Center/NICU, Gender Medicine, Gynecology, Plastic Surgery, Retrovirology, Rheumatology, and Transplant Services, among others. Fellows will have opportunity to specify medical populations of particular interest to inform supervision pairings to maximize fellow training goals. Fellows are provided with training in evidence-based practices and education regarding pediatric medical conditions, psychological sequelae, and correlates of such conditions. Common presenting problems range from adaptation to acute and chronic illness, self-management/adherence to medical regimens, procedural anxiety, reactions to accidental trauma, and conditions related to the



interaction of physical and behavioral factors such as chronic pain, feeding and elimination disorders, and medically unexplained symptoms. Fellows often gain experience with patients with pronounced medical complexity or rare conditions, and our program offers access to a patient population that is incredibly diverse. Intervention modalities include inpatient and outpatient therapy, assessment, and consultation and liaison services within the medical setting. Depending on specific clinical experiences, fellows may attend various rounds or multidisciplinary staffings/clinics and receive mentoring in effective work with multidisciplinary teams comprised of physicians, nurses, and other medical/professional staff. Opportunities may also exist for gaining experience in supervision of interns or graduate practicum students. Primary faculty supervisors for this major training area include Ginger Depp Cline, Ph.D., ABPP, Danita Czyzewski, Ph.D., Katherine Gallagher, Ph.D., Lisa Noll, Ph.D., Mariella Self, Ph.D., Nicole Schneider, Ph.D., and Gia Washington, Ph.D., ABPP. Anxiety Disorders Program (ADP): The Anxiety Disorders Program (ADP) provides specialized assessment and intervention services to children and adolescents with complex and/or low base-rate anxiety and obsessive-compulsive related disorders, including Selective Mutism, OCD, Panic Disorder, and Health Anxiety. Families who do not have access to evidence-based services in their home communities are often able to receive intervention through ADP for Social Anxiety, Specific Phobias, Separation Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety. Patients may also have medically unexplained symptoms or co-morbid medical conditions that are treated by the pediatric medical specialists at Texas Children’s Hospital.

The ADP assessment and treatment approach is

strongly evidence-based, with most interventions placing significant emphasis on exposure based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Interventions are either individual-focused with significant family involvement or conducted via a family-based approach. Continuous outcome assessment and judicious use of data to guide treatment are emphasized. Fellows in the Anxiety Disorders Program have opportunity to develop clinical expertise in: 1) conducting accurate and efficient assessment of anxiety and anxiety-related issues in children

and adolescents; 2) identifying and using ongoing outcome assessment to measure progress in treatment and inform treatment decisions; 3) providing modular, evidence-based interventions that are data-driven and research-based; 4) collaborating with school personnel, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and medical subspecialists; and 5) providing training/supervision of interns also training in the program. Opportunities for providing brief anxiety interventions in the primary care environment and for collaborating with supervisors in program development and quality improvement are also available. Supervision is provided by clinical psychologists trained in exposure-based cognitive-behavioral, third wave, and family-based approaches to treatment. Primary faculty supervisors for this major training area include Karin Price, Ph.D., ABPP and Liza Bonin, Ph.D. Preschool Program: The Preschool Program provides specialty care for preschool populations and provides fellows with opportunity to specialize in the individualized developmental approach necessary to work with this population. Fellows gain specialized skills in diagnostic consultation and evidence-based interventions with preschoolers presenting with diverse diagnostic presentations (i.e.,



both internalizing and externalizing, with and without deficits in adaptive behavior, with and without chronic illness). Training includes outpatient experience with children without medical difficulties and inpatient as well as outpatient consultation and intervention work with our medically complex population. The typically developing healthy preschool population is often served through the Brief Behavioral Intervention, which utilizes a manualized short-term, evidence-based and goal-oriented behavioral intervention with parent training and live coaching. Fellows have opportunity to gain experience training and providing live consultation and supervision for interns and practicum students seeing patients in the intervention. Fellows also lead consultations with medical residents and fellows who regularly observe the Brief Behavioral Intervention. Chronically ill preschool patient populations include children referred from Hematology-Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Neurology, Pulmonology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, and others. In this context, fellows work with multidisciplinary teams comprised of physicians, nurses, and other medical staff. Depending on the interest of the fellow, experiences with children with Autism may also be available. Our patient population is ethnically and culturally diverse, and specialized training is available in providing culturally competent care. Fellows have many opportunities to strengthen their multicultural awareness and translate their knowledge regarding individual and cultural diversity into daily clinical practice. The program also includes the opportunity for bilingual (Spanish) supervision. Additionally, opportunities for scholarship are available across preschool experiences. Primary faculty supervisors for this major training area include Marni Axelrad, Ph.D., ABPP and Petra Duran, Ph.D.

Minor Training Experiences Fellows participate in a minor training experience to expand competencies in another clinical area of interest. Each of the three clinical programs offering major training areas/tracks (i.e., Pediatric Health Psychology, Anxiety Disorders, or Preschool) may potentially be selected as a minor experience. A minor training experience in pediatric primary care (described below) is also available, and other options may be developed to suit an individual fellow’s training goals. Pediatric Primary Care Psychology: The Primary Care Psychology Program is a hospital-community partnership that extends behavioral health to patients and families within their pediatrician’s clinic and offers both co-located and integrated primary care training opportunities. Co-located care is provided within our community partner clinics at Texas Children’s Pediatrics. Integrated behavioral health services are provided at Texas Children's Center for Children and Women (at Greenspoint or the Southwest Center), which are project medical homes. Services consist of diagnostic assessments, psycho-education, parent consultation, brief intervention and problem prevention, as well as direct clinical consultation with pediatricians and obstetric providers. Fellows have opportunity to learn about



adapting evidenced-based mental health assessment and treatment models to meet the needs of a pediatric community clinic setting. In addition to providing clinical services to meet more traditional mental health needs, fellows also gain experience tailoring services toward child clinical populations with potential or emerging issues who are in need of prevention, early identification, or early intervention. Fellows also participate in co-facilitation of physician psycho-educational seminars and dissemination of behavioral health resources. Opportunities for tiered

supervision are also incorporated, as fellows act as supervisor/trainers for externs. Primary faculty supervisors for this minor training experience include Stephanie Chapman, Ph.D., David F. Curtis, Ph.D., and Arlene Gordon-Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Autism Center - Assessment: The Autism Center offers diagnostic, developmental, psychological and neuropsychological evaluation for individuals suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The patient population includes children from a range of referral sources (e.g., schools, physicians, families) who may have pre-existing diagnoses (e.g., developmental delays or other neurodevelopmental disorders) and are also suspected of having an ASD. Our center also provides evaluation for children who have been diagnosed with ASD and are in need of a comprehensive evaluation to aid in the development of treatment recommendations. The Autism Center faculty work in conjunction with faculty from a range of other disciplines and evaluate children in a multidisciplinary clinic format. In the multidisciplinary clinics, fellows have the opportunity to work on teams that include faculty from psychiatry, developmental pediatrics, neurology, and social work. Fellows have opportunity to engage in psychological, behavioral, and/or neurocognitive assessment of individuals with (or suspected of having) ASD, including evaluations using gold standard diagnostic tools such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2). Fellows also have opportunity to (1) conduct psychological/neurocognitive assessment of children with various neurologically-based developmental problems; (2) participate in diagnostic differentiation and formulation of further assessment and treatment plans; and (3) participate in family consultations/feedback and provide recommendations for intervention services. Fellows are involved in all aspects of evaluation, including diagnostic interviews, planning test batteries, test administration (with or without technician support) and interpretation, providing feedback to parents, and report writing. Primary faculty supervisors for this minor training experience include Leandra Berry, Ph.D., and Audrey M. Carson, Ph.D.



Research & Scholarship

Fellows maintain active involvement in research/scholarship throughout the fellowship year, selecting a research/scholarship mentor with whom they will focus on this aspect of training. Fellows are expected to collaborate on at least one scholarly product as a result of this training component (e.g., presentation at a regional or national conference, manuscript submission), with the training experience organized around this target product. There is much opportunity for fellow participation in ongoing clinical research. Examples of current topics of research include:

treatment outcome studies of family interventions for preschool disruptive behavior

multi-method measurement of adherence in cystic fibrosis

biopsychosocial factors and intervention in pediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders

quality of life after lung transplantation

behavioral and family aspects of self-management, quality of life, and resilience in youth with type 1 diabetes

universal screening of psychosocial problems and use of the PSC-17 in pediatric primary care

parenting stress and self-efficacy in families seeking treatment for anxiety and for ADHD

treatment outcome studies of family interventions for ADHD symptoms Beyond potential opportunities with these existing research studies, fellows may also have opportunity to develop a research/scholarship training experience related to a clinical program or other area of interest (e.g., quality improvement project, program development/evaluation, authoring a review article or case study, etc.). Research/scholarship experiences and intended scholarly products are established by mutual agreement among the fellow, research/scholarship supervisor, and the fellowship training director.

Didactics & Professional Development A variety of didactics are included in the fellowship experience. Some are ongoing for all fellows/trainees and some are strongly encouraged or optional depending on the specific training plan of a given fellow. Ongoing didactics throughout the training experience include Clinical Program Meetings (weekly), Psychology Practice Conference (weekly), Training Program Seminar (weekly), Psychology Grand Rounds/Continuing Education Series (approximately monthly), and Research and Professional Development Seminar (monthly). Attendance at TCH/BCM’s Pediatric Grand Rounds (for pertinent topics) is encouraged unless it conflicts with a fellow’s clinical schedule. Individual training plans may involve participation in additional program-specific didactics or conferences and multidisciplinary rounds. A large number of other optional, didactic opportunities are also available throughout the TCH, BCM, Texas Medical Center, and Houston communities.

Fellows are supervised by a number of faculty members throughout the fellowship year. Both clinical and research supervision occur during

individual meetings with the identified supervisor(s) on a regular basis. On occasion, group supervision supplements individual supervision. Some training experiences also involve “live” supervision during sessions with children and families, or co-therapy. All faculty involved in the training program have medical staff appointments at TCH and academic appointments in the



BCM Department of Pediatrics, and all serve as role models of successful, multi-faceted careers in an academic medical center. In addition to their clinical and research supervision, fellows will have regular group meetings as well as periodic individual meetings with the fellowship director to discuss issues related to the fellowship experience and professional development. Fellows also select a professional development mentor with whom to address these issues, with individual meetings to occur at least monthly. Primary goals of this professional development mentoring process include supporting the fellows’ successful navigation of their fellowship experience, provision of mentoring around the fellows’ individual professional development goals, and coaching the fellows’ timely completion of tasks instrumental to successful completion of fellowship and successful transition into their next professional endeavor. Particular emphasis is placed on the fellows’ role and responsibility in directing their own professional development in preparation for their post-graduation status as independent professionals.

Salary & Benefits

The current salary is $42,000. Fellows have the option to purchase full medical, dental and vision benefits for themselves, with the additional option of adding family members at a standard price. Fellows are also entitled to participate in the medical school’s 403B plan. In addition to 11 paid BCM holidays and sick time, fellows receive 15 days of paid time off to be used for vacation, personal days, and professional release time. Pending budget approval, up to $750 per year in travel to professional conferences may be available to fellows who are the primary author and responsible for a presentation of BCM-supported research at a regional or national conference. Fellows are provided with office space, an individual computer, a private telephone line, and pager. Each computer is connected to the BCM and TCH intranet systems, with access to electronic medical records and access to the Houston Academy of Medicine Library with its vast catalog of electronic journals (over 3,500 online journals) and Pub-med access. Within the Psychology Service suite, fellows have access to computers with programs for statistical analysis and research, including SPSS, SAS, LISREL, and Reference Manager. Fellows benefit from the administrative support provided by the service’s administrative assistants, appointment/referral/clinic coordinators, and business manager, as well as the hospital’s information services, scheduling, admissions, and billing department personnel.

Application Procedures We are recruiting for 3 positions for the 2017-2018 fellowship class, with a start date at the beginning of September 2017. Applicants are required to have completed their doctoral degree from an APA- or CPA-accredited program, or provide a letter from the doctoral program Director of Clinical Training documenting completion of all degree requirements, prior to beginning the fellowship program. Applicants should also have training from an APA- or CPA-accredited internship programs, and prior training with children is required. A diploma or letter documenting completion of all degree requirements is required prior to official appointment. Appointment is also contingent upon a successful criminal background check. Applications will be accepted electronically through the APPIC Psychology Postdoctoral Application Centralized Application System (APPA CAS; https://appicpostdoc.liaisoncas.com/applicant-ux/#/login) and will require submission of a cover letter detailing training background and future goals, a curriculum vita, official graduate transcripts and three letters of recommendation. Please specify in your cover letter your track of interest (Pediatric Health Psychology, Anxiety Disorders, or Preschool).

Application deadline: January 3, 2017



Our program adheres to the BCM policy for equal opportunity employment as well as other applicable BCM employment policies. Fellow selection is based on factors deemed directly relevant to prospective fellows’ potential success in our program and the profession of pediatric/child clinical psychology. Relevant factors in this decision process include: clinical/research experiences; education; references from past supervisors as they relate to past training/work performance; fellowship training objectives; and long-term professional goals. Our Section values diversity and is committed to inclusion. We are committed to the recruitment, retention, development and promotion of psychologists of all backgrounds and experiences. We believe this reflects the multicultural values and experiences of our patients, families and broader community. Applications from bicultural/bilingual students and those underrepresented in psychology are thus especially welcome.

On-site interviews at Texas Children’s Hospital are expected. Anticipated interview dates: Wednesday, January 30th, Friday February 3rd, and Monday, February 6th. Earlier interview options may also be offered. Our fellowship program is adhering to the 2017-2018 APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Guidelines and the Uniform Notification Date of 2/27/17, 10 a.m. Eastern time. If you receive an earlier offer from another fellowship program and would like to request a reciprocal offer, please contact the training director, Dr. Mariella Self, at [emailprotected] to discuss. Please address inquiries about the program to the training director, Dr. Mariella Self, at [emailprotected] Please address inquiries about application logistics or interview scheduling to the administrative assistant to the program, Emerald Ricks, at [emailprotected]

We look forward to reviewing your application!






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Core Training Faculty Marni E. Axelrad, Ph.D., ABPP (SUNY Binghamton), Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Clinical Child Psychologist; Clinical Program Director of the Clinical and Pediatric Psychology Program. Prevention of disruptive behavior disorders in young children; short term relationship/behavior consultation with families with young children; behavioral intervention for preschoolers treated in the Cancer Center; ADHD assessment, psychosocial assessment and treatment of children with Disorders of Sexual Differentiation; and assessment in Costello Syndrome.

Leandra Berry, Ph.D. (University of Connecticut), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Director of Clinical Services for the Autism Center. Evidence-based diagnostic, developmental, and neuropsychological assessment of children at risk for or diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); general outpatient neuropsychological services; evidence-based treatment of ASD and commonly occurring comorbidities. Research interests include early identification and diagnosis of ASD, clinical phenotyping, evidence-based treatment, and factors associated with treatment outcome.

Liza Bonin, Ph.D. (University of Texas at Austin), Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Clinical Psychologist; Director of Psychology Internship Training Program. Assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders via evidence-based practices, with focus on evaluation and treatment of pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder and health anxiety. Foci also include AD/HD assessment and professional development/clinical training.

Ashley Butler, Ph.D. (University of Florida), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Clinical interests: assessment and treatment of preschool- and school-age disruptive behavior disorders and ADHD; integrated behavioral health care in primary care settings. Research interests: outcomes of behavioral health care in non-specialty settings; racial/ethnic minority parent access to and engagement in young child behavioral health care; interventions to improve outcomes of behavioral health care among minority children and families.

Audrey Carson, Ph.D. (Marquette University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Neuropsychological and diagnostic assessment of children at risk for or diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with a particular interest in children with ASD and complex medical histories; neurodevelopmental and neuropsychological assessment of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with a wide-range of neurological and medical histories.

Stephanie Chapman, Ph.D. (University of Houston), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Clinical Team Lead – TCHP’s The Center for Women and Children. Clinical interests: preschool and school-aged disruptive behaviors, primary care psychology, pediatric health psychology, maternal behavioral health, and improving access to behavioral healthcare for historically underserved communities.

Ginger Depp Cline, Ph.D., ABPP (University of Kentucky), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Pediatric Health Psychology and Primary Care Psychology; psychosocial adjustment and CBT for children/adolescents with health conditions (injuries, diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc.); pediatric medical traumatic stress and injuries; primary care diagnostic evaluations.



David F. Curtis, Ph.D. (University of Houston), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Coordinator of Pediatric Primary Care Program. Assessment and treatment of AD/HD; disruptive behavior; emotion regulation skills training; school-based prevention, intervention and consultation; parent and family skills training; intervention research; and program evaluation.

Danita Czyzewski, Ph.D. (Purdue University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Psychologist. Evidence-based treatment related to adjustment, adherence, and treatment of pediatric disorders, especially gastrointestinal disorders including functional abdominal pain, young child feeding disorders, IBD, encopresis; pulmonary disorders including cystic fibrosis, lung transplant; Management of somatic symptom and related disorders. Research interests in irritable bowel syndrome and quality of life related to lung transplant.

Petra A. Duran, Ph.D. (Kent State University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Prevention of disruptive behavior disorders in young children, adaptation of evidence based treatments for Spanish speaking families and underserved populations, increasing multicultural awareness, Provision of behavioral intervention for preschoolers treated in the Cancer Center, and diagnostic assessments and psychosocial assessment and treatment of children from the department of Plastic Surgery.

Katherine A. Gallagher, Ph.D. (University of Kansas), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Psychologist. Cognitive and behavioral interventions for psychosocial aspects of pediatric diabetes, particularly illness adjustment and coping, diabetes distress and “burnout”, diabetes-related family conflict, difficulties with treatment adherence, as well as depression, anxiety, emotion regulation, and behavioral difficulties in youth with diabetes.

Arlene Gordon-Hollingsworth, Ph.D. (Louisiana State University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Clinical Team Lead – Texas Children's Health Plan The Center for Children and Women, Southwest. Clinical interests: anxiety and trauma related disorders, dissemination of evidence based psychological assessment practices and treatments, effectiveness/efficacy studies, integrated care, promoting behavioral health and psychosocial interventions in primary care settings

Marisa E. Hilliard Ph.D. (The Catholic University of America) Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Psychologist; Research interests: Assessing and understanding the role of modifiable risk factors and resilience-promoting processes on the health and well-being of children, adolescents, and emerging adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes; Developing and disseminating practical clinical interventions to promote optimal diabetes management and control and to foster quality of life for families and youth with diabetes.

Lisa S. Kahalley, Ph.D. (University of Memphis). Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Clinical interests include: pediatric health psychology with pediatric cancer patients and survivors. Research interests include: neurocognitive late effects, functional outcomes, and health behavior decisions following treatment for pediatric leukemia and brain tumor.



Robin P. Kochel, Ph.D. (Virginia Commonwealth University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Autism spectrum disorders, including genetic and environmental risk factors for clinical/neuropsychiatric phenotypes; Autism diagnostic training with the Autism Diagnostic Interview—Revised (ADI-R) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS).

Lisa Noll, Ph.D. (Loyola University). Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Pediatric health psychology; neuropsychological assessment and consultation; infant consultation and support; intervention with children with chronic illness.

Nicole Schneider, Psy.D. (George Fox University). Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Clinical Psychologist. Pediatric Health Psychology; pediatric consultation and liaison; adjustment to chronic and acute illness; adherence to medical regimens; adolescent/young adult health psychology; oncology and bone marrow transplant; palliative care.

Mariella M. Self, Ph.D. (Texas A&M University). Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Director, Pediatric/Clinical Child Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program; Pediatric Psychologist. Inpatient consultation and outpatient psychotherapy to improve medical regimen adherence/self-management, pain or symptom management, and adjustment/functional adaptation for children with chronic illnesses including cardiac conditions and heart transplantation, functional and organic gastrointestinal disorders, medically unexplained physical symptoms, demyelinating disorders, among others.

Karin Price, Ph.D., ABPP (University of Connecticut), Associate Professor of Pediatrics; Clinical Psychologist; Clinic Chief; Coordinator of Anxiety Disorders Program. Evidence-based assessment and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders in children and adolescents; evaluation of ADHD and comorbid conditions; evaluation of adolescent candidates for bariatric surgery; clinical outcome research; research in organizational factors that impact implementation of evidence-based practice.

Gia Washington, Ph.D., ABPP (Saint Louis University), Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Clinical Psychologist. Pediatric health psychology; psychosocial adjustment related to sickle cell anemia, gastric bypass, and HIV/AIDS; cultural competence in clinical practice; psychotherapy with adolescents.



What are the password requirements for Texas children's Hospital? ›

Note: Passwords for this module require alpha and numeric characters, upper and lower case characters and symbols. This requirement is in accordance with Texas Children's Hospital User Password Policy NO: IM 101.

How many stories is Texas children's Hospital? ›

Our work on the tower began more than a decade ago when we designed the initial six-story podium building. Shortly after, we partnered with the hospital to design a 19-story vertical expansion to go atop the podium—making the 25-story tower the tallest children's hospital in the world.

How to file a complaint with Texas children's Hospital? ›

Concerns may be reported to the Clinical Ethics Committee by notifying Medical Staff Services at 832-824-2296. satisfaction. You may contact Family Advocacy at 832-824-1919 or email at famadvocacy@texaschildrens.org.

Does Texas children's Hospital use Epic? ›

Texas Children's Hospital may already be linked to your patient. If not, select Query New Organization, type Texas Children's Hospital, select it and enter your Epic password if prompted. If you 've found the correct patient, click “Yes ‐ Correct Patient”.

How do I reset my Texas children's password? ›

If you forget your password, you'll be able to reset the password yourself by answering those questions that you've previously set up. If your password expires due to non-use for 90 days or you need a password reset, please call TCHP at 832-828-1004.

How many NICU beds does Texas Children's Hospital have? ›

Texas Children's Newborn Center and the hospital's new Pavilion for Women together house 173 NICU beds, making the hospital the largest NICU in the nation.

How many floors does Texas children's hospital have? ›

The 25-floor, 640,000-square-foot tower will house various critical care services, including 126 beds for pediatric and cardiovascular intensive care, six new operating rooms, four cardiovascular ORs and four catheterization labs.

What rank is Texas children's hospital? ›

HOUSTON (June 21, 2023) Texas Children's Hospital is proud and honored once again to be named a leader in pediatric health care by U.S. News & World Report, ranking No. 1 in Texas and No. 3 nationally in its 2023-2024 Best Children's Hospitals report.

What is the largest children's hospital in the United States? ›

Texas Children's Hospital - Wikipedia.

What is the lawsuit against Texas Children's Hospital? ›

Family sues children's hospital, Texas officials for 'unlawful' removal of their children. Lorina Bourne and Jason Troy say they were wrongfully accused of child abuse. Lorina Bourne and Jason Troy say they were wrongfully accused of child abuse in 2015.

What is medical neglect of a child in Texas? ›

Medical neglect is a subset of the statutory definition of neglect and involves the following acts or omissions by a person: failing to seek, obtain, or follow through with medical care for a child, with the failure resulting in or presenting an immediate danger of death, disfigurement, or bodily injury or with the ...

How many Texas children's hospitals are there? ›

Since 1954, Texas Children's Hospital has grown dramatically across the state of Texas to include four main campuses and dozens of community locations. Beyond Texas, we are continuously expanding our reach internationally.

Is Texas children's part of Baylor? ›

Texas Children's Hospital has long been affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine. Joining forces with this leading medical school in the areas of pediatric surgery and obstetrics and gynecology to achieve healthier mothers and children.

What is Texas children's known for? ›

Texas Children's Hospital is recognized as a leader in treating pediatric HIV. Texas Children's Emergency Center is the first in the state to have 24-hour coverage by board-certified pediatric emergency physicians. Texas Children's Hospital launches Houston's first pediatric program for liver transplants.

Why choose Texas children's hospital? ›

Texas Children's Hospital is consistently ranked in the top 4 of US pediatric hospitals by U.S. News & World Report. We are the academic partner and principal teaching site for Baylor College of Medicine. We are at the forefront of cures for neurological diseases.

What are the password requirements for healthcare? ›

Best Practices for HIPAA Compliance
  • Passwords should be a minimum of 8 characters in length. ...
  • Passwords should be required to have a mix of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • As an alternative to difficult-to-remember passwords, organizations can allow the use of long passphrases.
Jun 28, 2024

What are the password requirements for VCA? ›

The password must contain at least eight characters and one of each of the following character types: Upper Case Letter, Lower Case Letter, Number, and Symbol. Enter your Username and Password into the respective fields on the login page.

What is a child password? ›

The Urban Dictionary defines it, slightly less dramatically, as the child who is perceived to be the family's “obvious favourite” because their parent uses their birthdate or name for their online passwords.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.